I emerge victorious once again! XD

Apr 21, 2009 15:55

Today I was successfully admitted into Humboldt State University. Woo! :D

And to think I was all worked up for nothing... AGAIN. XD;;

Dang, so much has happened recently... I worked on and finished Eureka High School's run of "The Pirates of Penzance" and am currently working on NCRT's production of "The Producers." I'm finishing up my LAST semester at College of the Redwoods; it'll be kinda weird once I start classes at HSU in the fall. I'm so used to CR's campus. XD (That reminds me, I have to take the placement test for music theory and ear training sometime in the next couple weeks; I've declared my major, bitches! 8D ...Oh yeah. Plus that music scholarship application. Gotta do that. XD;; Dur.)

HO SHEET FANIME CON '09 IS ONLY A MONTH AWAY. :O I still haven't decided on a second cosplay yet. I may end up going as just Duo (unless I decide to renew one of my other costumes). We'll see. I suppose I still have a month to make up my mind, but considering the fact that I'm already dedicating most of my time to school and "The Producers," I'm not sure how far I'll get. XD Oh well. Time will tell, right?

...GAAAAH, I want the semester to be over nooowwww. DX Mostly because I don't want to deal with this classmate of mine anymore. Long story short, he asked me to be his girlfriend (straight-up blunt like that, actually) even though we only just MET at the beginning of the semester, and even after I turned him down, things are awkward as hell. We sit next to each other in the one class we have together, and he's ALWAYS. FUCKING. LOOKING. AT. ME. D8< Plus, he tends to sit with me and Melanie when we're having lunch together, and it's kind of annoying. Especially since I kind of want to have some, I don't know, bonding time with Melanie? You know? Because I only really get to see her during those two hours twice a week?

It's just... AUUUUGH. Summer can't come soon enough.

Only 30 days, 16 hours and 4 minutes until Fanime Con '09! :D


school, theatre, sweet, fanime

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