FIC: "I'm Not Okay"

Sep 04, 2011 00:52

Title: "I'm Not Okay"
Fandom: Star Trek (XI)
Rating: PG (honestly, I don't even know for this)
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Word count: 1329
Summary: Your typical "Spock goes into pon farr" fic... just very, VERY poorly written.
Warnings: PURPOSELY VERY POORLY WRITTEN, please keep that in mind! This is meant to be stupid, stupid crack and NOT to be taken seriously.
Notes: Again, CRACK. :P

Written for this prompt on the st_xi_kink_meme, which asked for a "My Immortal" fic equivalent for the Star Trek fandom. (If you're not yet aware of what "My Immortal" is besides an Evanescence song, look it up. BE AFRAID.)


On teh Entrprise Jim sat in teh captin's chair. He looked over at spock hu was at the science statin in his dark saphire uniform and was bent over teh scannner.. Jim thought Spok was hot but he wudln't ever say anything because Spock wuz vulcan. It mad jim sad but he would always go to his friend Mccoy to drink and feel beter.

"spock" said Jim, turnin around. "How much longer til we reach the planet?"

"approximatly 45.7489 minuts captain." said spock not looking at jim.

"good" Jim sad. His eyes wanderd spok's toned body aprecativly. "Spock do u want to play ches later"

"No, captain my time would be beter served doing report 2nite" repied teh Vulcan angrily.

Jim frowned. spok had never talked angry to him b4. Vulcns didnt likek emotions but they stil had them, they just show them alot bcause they were very strong.

"Spock, what's wrong?" Jim asked, his blu orbs glowing wit concern.

"nothin is wrong, caiptn" Spoock said his face flushing pur emrald. "I am vulcn i have no emooton, so nuthin is wrong. I wil be in mah qarters" Spock turned an left teh bridge wit a huff (but he wouldn't hav said it waz a huf bcuz hes Vulcan, get it?) Jimfrowned. He had to finds out wut was makin spock angry.

jim walkd 2 mcKoy's office in sickbay.

"Bones" he said. "i need to talk to u"

"What now" Bones said bitchily, like he do. He looks kinda liek da guy form Lord of teh Rings. 9I like that movie, its my fave, the guys so hawt. :3) "dammit Jim, i'm a doctor not a therapisst"

"i know butt its important" Jim said, tears poolin in his eyes. "somethin is wrong wit Spock"

"wut is it" Mccoy said crossing his arms.

"idk thats why i'm her" Jim said "hes actin realy strange an angry, not liek a vulcan. do u know wut it culd be?"

makoy's pointy eyebrows arced angrily. "ill need to examin him where is he?"

he's in His quarters" said Jim.

"OK" sad bones.


L8er Bones called jim 2 his office.

"Jim" he said. "I know wut is wrong wit spook, cum to mah office"

"OK" said Jim. he was on teh bridge again becuz he was captin. He stood up from his char, flexing his amazin muscle. "chirpoff, you hav teh Con"

"Aye sir" said Jerkoff. he wuz not in uniform today because it was his day off. instead he wuz wearin tight blue jeans and a Good Charlotte t-shirt because it was his favroite band, also midnight black eyeliner becuz he wus a secretly a goff (except it wasnt realy a secret since he wuz werain his goff stuf in pubelic). He was listenin to his My Chemical Romance album with his headphones he was wearing and singing along wit teh lyrics. "At the end of the world Or the last thing I see You are never coming home, never coming home Never coming home, never coming home"

sulu who was jerkov's hot asian boyfriend and who drove teh Enterprise, wuz angry, squinting his salready squinty eyes. "captin thats not fair, I want teh Con"

jim sighed. "Sulu u canot have teh Con. i gave it 2 Rachmaninov."

"fine" said soolu, glaring at rachnaninov "butt we are havin rough sex teh moment we is off shift. And them I will tell you about plants and stuff becuz thats what I like" (It's tru, I know because I read about ths original seris from da 40s)

Rachmaninov smirked "ur on"

jim Rolled his eyes and walkd to da turbolift. but Uhura stoped him.

"Captain wut is wrong with Spock?" she saked wit concern fillin her pretteh brown eyes. "he is bein mean to everone"

"idk, Uhura, i am goin to see Bones right nao about it" said Jim. "hopfully he will have a answer for me"

Uruha noded, putting her hands on her slim hips. Jim wuld have thought she wuz hot but he was in love wit Spok. not that uhura wasn't hot, but Jim didnt feel taht way abut her. She was stil really cool so dunt think i don't liek her! (see I'm not a bitch, gosh)

"ok then, bye" Uhurha said, sitting back down.

Down in sikbai mccoy was waiting, angry like always. He was drinkin because it makes teh pain stop cuz hes depressed and stuff.

"Bons" said Jim hurridly. "do u know whats wrong with spock now?"

"hes really sick, jim," mcCay said angraly. "but i don now more then that. He won't say nothing to me"

"Ill get him to tell me" Jim shouted, his eyes that were limpid pools of saphire clos to shedin ters. He went to the doorway

"damit Jim" Mccoy said growling. "why dyo car so much, Spoc is just a hobgoblin"

"cuz i LOVE HMM" yelld Jim

McCoy shake his head. "Jim why, spoke is a vuclan he cant luv he has no emotions"

"That's not true" said Jim crying. "I'll hepl him you'l see."

He ran out of sickby to Spocks quarters. Spock was there with no shirt on bcuz his quatres were hot. he turns when jim came in, his pale skin shinning in teh light.

"Captain what are you doing here" Spock exclaimed his face not showing emotion

"Spok bones say ur sick" Jim said running up and grabing teh vulcans musclar arms. "what is wrong?"

"jim you should no be here" Spock said but he still grabedd Jims arms bac. "i am burning, u are not safe"

"wat u mean burnin" Jim creyd. Suddenly they herd Rachnaimov walking outside the room in teh hallway singing to his fave Good Charlotte song. "But nobody cares if you're losing yourself I am losing myself and I miss my mom"

Suddenly spok started crying. "i miss my mom two" Jim was shoked he'd never seen Spock be so motional. it was really hot.

"Spock wat is this. Tell me nao"

"Oh jim it is teh poon far" Spok creyd grabing Jims face. "It is a Vulcan sickness i must mate or i will die" Jim's face flushed pure scarlet, Spok had not been so close b4. he reched up and touched the vulcns face.

"oh Spoc why din't you say so" said jim staring into Spocks firy brown orbs. "Spock iv loved u for so long, pls mat with me"

"jim you do not know what you are ofering" said Spock. He tired to pull away but jim held on tight unwiling to let his vulcn go. Yes, his Vulcn becuse he loved him so long.

"no Spoke you don understand, i know because teh old You told me show me we belong 2gether. thru the Mind Melt"

"teh Mind Melt?" Spok said shoked.

"Yes" Jim said. "Pls spok let me help u"

"Oh jim" Spock wuz overcum by his emotions suddenly and passionatly pulled his captin into his arms. Jim gasped into teh Vulcans mouth as he was kissed wit abandon. Spock lifted jim an threw him onto da bed which had silk pilows because vulcans lik silk.

(OK u gais, i'm not goin to writ pr0n or nuthin becuz thats just gross. i mean i leik guys kissin an stuff but thers a limmit. srsly, i have SUM dignity. ;P)

Afterwords spok no longer burnd. when he wok Jim was dere Bside him wit a dreamy l00k on his face.

"Oh jim" spoke said "i no longer burn. U have sayved me"

"oh Spock" Jim said. "i luv you so much. i wuld have done anything to save u. Dont u see, we belong 2gether we are thai'la"

"Yus jim," Spock said lovingly. he culd be leik that now because he just had poon far and culd be emotional an stuff. "We can be 2gether 4ever"

an they were happy on teh Entraprise forevah accept when bones was angry n drunk becus he sucks. :P

star trek, fanfiction, what even, rating: pg

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