After spending the weekend helping a friend move to Dallas, I am too sore to mow my yard. Instead I sit inside avoiding the harsh temperatures and revise my resume. Not much has change in the last few years so the changes were very subtle. My plans after the New Year seem to be coming too soon and I feel the extreme changes I am going to incorporate are going to flip my soul.
List combined from
Diamond and
Comiclist. (*) Indicates my first reads.
August 5, 2009
Absolution #1 (Of 6)(Regular Cover), $3.99
Absolution #1 (Of 6)(Crimefiles Edition), $3.99
Absolution #1 (Of 6)(Dual Signed Poster Edition), AR
Absolution #1 (Of 6)(Wrap Cover), $3.99
*Agents Of Atlas #9 (Leinil Francis Yu Regular Cover), $2.99
Amazing Spider-Man #601 (J. Scott Campbell Regular Cover), $2.99
*Astro City The Dark Age Book Three #4 (of 4), $3.99
Batman Confidential #32, $2.99
Black Panther 2 #7 (Paul Renaud Regular Cover), $2.99
*Boys #33, $2.99
Captain America Reborn #2 (of 5)(Bryan Hitch Regular Wraparound Cover), $3.99
*Doom Patrol #1 (Matthew Clark Regular Cover), $3.99
Exiles #5 (Dave Bullock Regular Cover), $2.99
Final Crisis Aftermath Run #4 (of 6), $2.99
Greek Street #2, $2.99
House Of Mystery #16, $2.99
House Of M Masters Of Evil #1 (of 5), $3.99
*Hulk #13 (Ed McGuinness Regular Cover)(Dark Reign Tie-In), $3.99
Invincible Iron Man #16 (Salvador Larroca Regular Cover)(Dark Reign Tie-In), $2.99
Irredeemable #5 (Cover A Gena Ha), $0.99
Irredeemable #5 (Cover B Dennis Calero), $0.99
Irredeemable #5 (Cover C Dan Panosian), $0.99
Jersey Gods #6, $3.50
Justice League Cry For Justice #2 (of 6), $3.99
Luke Cage Noir #1 (of 4)(Dennis Calero Variant Cover), AR
Mighty #7, $2.99
*Savage Dragon #151, $3.50
*Secret Six #12, $2.99
Solomon Grundy #6 (of 7), $2.99
Spirit #32, $2.99
Superman World Of New Krypton #6 (of 12)(Fernando Dagnino & Raúl Fernandez Regular Cover), $2.99
Ultimatum Fantastic Four Requiem #1 (One Shot), $3.99
Ultimatum X-Men Requiem #1 (One Shot), $3.99
War Machine #8, $2.99
Wednesday Comics #5 (of 12), $3.99 X 2
Witchfinder In the Service of Angels #2 (of 5), $2.99
No more spending cap though I will try being more responsible with my purchases. I do not know if I will continue on with this pull list posting, though it does give me some reflection on what is going on with my time.
“Life, is not a having and a getting, but a being and a becoming.”
Myrna Loy