Apr 20, 2006 23:24
So, today's been a pretty shitty day so far. No, scratch so far. It's been a shitty day all around. I'm ranting now so get comfy.
First, the geology final KICKED MY ASS today. Like 25% of the stuff on there we never even went over. What the fuck is with our TA?! He sucks! Mel pointed out that it's quite fitting his last name is Dick. And I agree.
Second, it was hot. Like, really hot. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but I was crampy and in pain. And heat + cramps = an unhappy liz.
Third, it was Spring Fling today which was awesome except it made everything super hectic and impossible to walk around. SAI had a bake sale table [with awesome t-shirts] which I was at for like an hour. I was going to go back after English, but I felt so crappy after that I couldn't. I went to 7-11 and bought two brownies and a bag of cheez-its. So far i've gone through half of that. I am going to be such a fatass later in life. Never mind that I couldn't get to the gym today.
For the next part of today's supreme shittyness, suffice it to say that girls suck. And partying on Spring Fling is extremely difficult.
Finally, my back HURT LIKE HELL all day! I think it was b/c of my period but that doesn't change the fact that it hurts. And it still hurts now. Damnit.
Ok, I think that's all the negative stuff. On the plus side, initiation is Saturday [yay!!!], and I got things sorted out with my friend who I realized stuff about earlier. And I got to wear my super cute Old Navy top I got a little while ago. Even if it was only for a few minutes.
I think I'm done now. I really hope I get out of this funk soon. I wanna be happy again.