I'm In A Fucking Bad Mood and You All Have To Hear About It

Apr 19, 2006 18:47

Ok, so, I guess I'll make a list to explain why:

*only got a stinking 85 on my geology test [i honestly thought i got an A]
*paper due tomorrow
*accidentally cancelled my workout near the end by hitting the 'Reset' button on the eliptical...AFTER dropping my iPod
*lost 1 of my last 2 contact lenses today...glasses til I die it seems
*geology lab final tomorrow
*my poli sci teacher is an arrogant bastard who writes extremely cofusing final exam questions
*I'm eating Red Sauce [which normally makes me happy] but only the garlic bread is making me feel better...and it's cold
*of all the music on my iPod [which thankfully still works] only Linkin Park appeals to me right now...which isn't totally a bad thing, but seriosuly there's over 400 songs on that little thing
*just discovered I have no job this summer
*finals are starting waaaay too soon and I just realized I know NOTHING

Now to rant, my favorite thing in the world.

I honestly have NO CLUE what my boss was thinking when she made up the summer schedule. Where the HELL does she get off only giving me 5 hrs? And once a week?! Did I miss something? Was there some point when I wasn't a good employee? Did I suddenly become late for work, sloppy and rude for like a month and not know about it? And WHY THE FUCK does the girl she hired AFTER me get preference for hours?! THIS IS SO FUCKING UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!! It's probably also one of the biggest insults I've ever recieved in my life! I tried to tell her that it would be completely not worth it for me to come to campus once a week over the summer and later she goes, 'So when can you let me know about this summer?' Um...hellooo...I just about told you I couldn't! GOD this makes me SO MAD!!! So yea, I have no job for this summer. I've put applications in at like 6 places *crosses fingers for Starbucks* so I think I'll have one soon, but I hate not knowing. It was so nice a few weeks ago thinking I had everything figured out. But since when is life easy like that? Oh wait, I know when, NEVER!!!

On another, different note, I have decided that I hate wearing glasses. And I want my contacts to come in. Now. Damnit.

Finals suck. Here's what I'm facing: 1. A poli sci paper with impossibly confusing questions that I have to answer, 2. an english portfolio AND exam b/c my teacher's a fucking QUACK, 3. geology lab final TOMORROW and lecture final that's going to be NO FUN whatsoever, 4. cumulative criminal justice final with LOTS of info on it, 5. philosophy writing final...enough said.

Ok, I'm done ranting about the bad stuff. But here's an acronym for pondering:

Hahaha, many thanks to Heather for introducing me to this last semester.

On a positive note, SAI initiation this Saturday!!! I am sooo excited! Also, Spring Fling is tomorrow! Come visit the SAI table! We're having a bake sale! Yay! Oh yea, in less than 3 weeks this hellish semester will be OVER! And then, in three months [damn that's a long time] I get to move into my awesome apartment with my 3 awesome roomies! Woohoo!

Ok, I think I'm done for now. More later, hopefully, when I'm in a better mood and not stressing out so much.
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