The Sisterhood Training In Detail

Oct 27, 2012 15:23

...this is from Her Prophet Explains: Part Four "The Temple's Tactical Initiatives"...

~The Temple will continue to expand and refine The Sisterhood Training, with the goal of sharing it with as many women as possible.

It is essential to understand that after The Pentavalent itself, The Sisterhood Training is the Most Important Element of The Temple. To use a rather fevered metaphor, The Sisterhood Training is the womb from which the New Matriarchy will be born. Without the efforts and actions of properly trained and motivated Sisters, all the preceding concepts are just so much 'sound and fury'.

Because of that I shall go into a considerable amount of detail regarding The Training itself.

I have been through a number of Large Group Awareness Trainings [LGAT's] These LGAT's were for the most part beneficial and positively transformative for me and for others. And I did see where they had their own internal problems.

The problem that was most apparent to me at the time was that LGAT's tend to 'crack you open' without much proper follow up except more trainings and workshops. They did try to form some kind of community of support - there would be a lot of talk about Relationship and the such - but since the focus was almost exclusively upon Individual Empowerment, that effort usually failed, a few times with tragic consequences.

Another issue was the utter lack of any type of Spiritual foundation. A trainer of mine once addressed this with a statement that they, the LGAT, 'were willing to except the possibility that here was something greater than The Universe.' That's a pretty thin metaphysical soup.

But the Key Issue with every single one of them is this; they are all ultimately 'part of the problem'.

As has been said before in these pages, a primary Operating Motto of ours is a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti, "It is no measure of good health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

In the final analysis, the primary outcome of all the LGAT's I have ever encountered is to support you becoming 'more well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society'. They are after all, capitalist operations and, for all the good they might do, they are in business to sell a product and to make money. This also contributes to the first two problems mentioned above, the cracking open without follow up and the lack of Spiritual foundation.

Many of their graduates become 'more effective' in expanding the reach and power of Modern Corporate Marketing Culture, the producer/creator of the hologram that now holds most Americans - and many around the world - in its thrall, where we are no longer citizens, or even humans, but merely Consumers of Product and the entire focus of this is to Sell Product.

LGAT's are a part of that mechanism. They cannot be otherwise. And their models facilitate the perpetuation of Modern Corporate Marketing Culture. Why do you think so many corporations send 'their people' to these trainings? They make said people more Effective etc, not more Aware. If they really became so, they'd leave the corporation. Some do, but usually only to start some other type of corporation, not to exit the paradigm.

The very first thing that will make the Sisterhood Trainings different is that they will be non-profit. That way the entire financial focus is devoted solely to getting the Trainings into the reach of as many Sisters as possible and in the optimum fashion.

The final overall structure as presently envisioned would first be the Workshop Series, staring with a Guest Event to provide an enrollment mechanism for the two preliminary extended weekend workshops, a Basic that would run Friday through Sunday and an Advanced that would run Wednesday through Sunday, each designed to be preparatory for the Long Training itself.

They each would have benefits in and of themselves, even the Guest Event. For many Sisters they may be the only direct experience of The Sisterhood they are able have at that point in their lives, so these workshops have to be able to be as positively transformative as we can safely make them in that window.

Ultimately however, their primary outcome is to recruit Sisters for the Long Training, which is called a Wave. As such the Guest Event and the two Weekend Workshops would all take place within a roughly thirty day period preceding the beginning of a new Wave in the area in which that Wave was to be based. This would also intensify the experience of those Sisters who can only do the Workshop Series.

These workshops will be fully run by the Central Training Operation, a stand alone non-profit educational corporation whose sole purpose is to coordinate, guide and refine the Sisterhood Trainings. It will have a core professional staff which would be augmented with volunteers from the Trainings themselves.

The Long Training, aka a Wave, is the actual Amazon Warrior Priestess Training mentioned above. Each Wave would consist of a dozen to two dozen Trikonai, a bond group of three Sisters which would be formed during the two weekend workshops and would be a mandatory element. [A dozen to two dozen Trikonai would come out to 36 to 72 Sisters.] The only way to enroll in a Wave is as an already formed Trikona, optimally one that formed and bonded during the Workshop Series. The next section, Part Five: The Trikona, will explain why this is necessary.

The Central Training Operation will provide support, networking, feedback, guidance, etc. But each Wave will be functionally autonomous. Its own members will run the Wave's specific scheduling and be almost entirely self funding, doing whatever is is needed to make sure that every Sister in that Wave is able to achieve all the goals and complete the Training.

Each Wave with be given an overall operational plan and a specific set of goals to achieve. Each Wave can also establish its own unique set of goals and outcomes as long as those do not interfere or contravene the overall plans and goals.

Incorporation: To begin with a Wave will establish itself as a Corporation of the type that best suits the state within which it is primarily operating. That will give the Wave a heft and a flexibility that enhances its ability to pursue its goals that no unofficial group could match. Corporate Personhood is the Key to Power in modern America.

Note that this is essentially an Event. It happens once and is done. The rest of the below are Process. They will unfold and change as the Wave proceeds.

Each Sister in the Wave will be a Voting Member of its Corporation and will be required to have a working understanding of it functions. At the end of the Training Cycle, the Corporation can be dissolved and any assets leftover divided equally among its Members. Or it may continue on as a sub-collective of The Sisterhood, engaging in The Work as its members so choose.

Majickal Working: Sisters would not be Witches without it. Operating with The Pentavalent as a guide, all aspects of each Wave will be Ritualized and conducted with some manner of Majickal and Goddess frame-working, starting with the above Incorporation and then through all the various goals and outcomes listed below.

This should be done in a reasonable fashion, with Focus and Efficiency in Balance. It will not be about 'getting it right', but about making it work. The goal in this is to use the collective and individual Majickal Talent of the Sisters in any given Wave to create a Tulpa, a manifested thought form that embodies the Wave itself, one that helps propel the Wave forward to a successful and fulfilling conclusion.

This will likely be the first real test of a Wave's ability to work as a collective and set the tone for what follows.

NLP: [Neuro-Linguistic Programing] Each Wave will complete an entire NLP Practitioner Certification Training over the course of its Cycle, with each Sister therein getting an individual NLP Practitioner Certification.

NLP is both a powerful Behavioral Change technology and a very effective Personal Communications technology. It should be self evident how such can be useful for The Temple's long term goals.

Impact Self Defense: This is a company that provides a type of self defense training for women that allows them to punch and kick full force, thereby providing a 'body memory' of combat training. Each Wave will contract with ISD to provide a full training to all its Sisters.

The purpose of this is to lay the foundation for a real Warrior Spirit, one based upon actual physical violence, not merely some hypothetical exhortation 'to be a warrior'. That is also why this will be undertaken at the beginning of the Wave Cycle. Warriors Fight. Sisters need to Learn that Lesson from the very start or my brothers will break you.

Yoga: It is likely that many Sisters coming into The Sisterhood Training will already be Yoginis of one school or another. Each Wave will seek their experience and guidance in embedding Yoga into the fabric of the Wave. Over time the Sisterhood Training will develop its own school of Yoga that best serves the needs of a Wave Cycle.

Yoga and Meditation will be the 'off-set' to the Martial Vigor of the various Warrior Disciplines a Wave will undertake. It also will provide a Centering and Grounding Discipline that can used by the entire Wave, a single Trikona, or the individual Sister, thereby providing Harmony and Connection throughout the Wave.

12 Step Work: The 12 Step modality is one of the best I have ever found to examine one's own Self. Though primarily used in addiction programs, it has a universal application. It's key is that with a methodological step by step structure it works upon discovering one's true thinking, which is largely how we get to wherever we are at any given point in our lives.

It is crucial for each Sister to understand who she is, what motivated her to do what she has done and how she got to whatever point she is in her life. These are Essential Elements of Self and the work of The Temple requires a deep understand of Self. Each of the comforting illusions that every Sister harbors must be uncovered, discovered and discarded.

This work will be done individually, within each Trikona and by the Wave in group sessions. There will a lot of pain in this work, so it must be done with vast Compassion for both one's Self and one's Sisters.

Sexual Domination Of Men: As the Greater Goal of all of this work is a New Matriarchy, the practice of a genuine Female Supremacy is at the core of an Amazon Warrior Priestess Training such at this. And at the core of all intra-gender relationships is Sex.

Therefore each Wave must learn the art of The Dominatrix. Given its intimate nature, most of this will be done via the Trikonai. Each Trikonai is to engage a professional Domme to teach them the nature and practice of Domme Work. Each Trikonai will acquire male slaves who will support the work of its Wave in whatever fashion said slave in capable of.

Becoming Sexually Dominant, even as a 'exercise', makes a profound shift a Sister's basic nature. As with a training like Impact Self Defense, this work 'imbeds' that shift in a Sister's consciousness on a deep and atavistic level. And it is down in those places that Patriarchy has its strongest hold.

Dakini: This is the name I have given to a hypothetical mixed Female oriented martial arts system that is still to be developed. What is proposed is a blend of Eskrima, a Philippine martial art that uses simple weapons, sticks and knives, along with hand and foot fighting, Capoeira, a Brazilian martial art which ritualizes it's fighting as a form of dancing and Parkour, a French urbano-centric running and jumping sport.

I chose those forms because of their simplicity and their flowing motion. The idea is for more than just an 'effective fighting system'. If that was the goal, we'd just go with Krav Maga. But as with all of this work, there needs to be a Spiritual aspect, one that shifts Sisters all the way into their core. And as this would be a martial art that originates within The Temple, it is also something that The Sisterhood owns completely.

Body Work: Due to the rigorous nature of the Sisterhood Training, each Sister is going to need body work done to help them heal and renew. Much of this will utilize skilled outside professionals. But between these sessions, each Sister will be required to learn a basic massage/ body work technique so that she can work upon other members of her Trikona on a regular basis. This will also deepen the Bond within each Trikona.

Rock Climbing: This is a prefect all body training and is an outdoor sport can be first learned in doors. It also favors the Female as leg and hip strength is more important than upper body strength. It will support and enhance all the physical training.

Weapons Training: Each Sister in the Wave will learn the use of the Staff, the Bow, the Sword, the Handgun and the Rifle. Teachers and training organizations will be engaged to teach the use of each of the weapons over the course of the Wave's Cycle. You're to be Amazons and these are the essential weapons.

Sports: Each Wave can pick and choose most of the sports they wish to, but Baseball is strongly urged and Paint Balling is mandatory.

Baseball is about Patience, Focus, and Strategy. It can be an excellent 'team builder'. The basic lineup of nine members is perfect for Trikonai. And as America's National Pastime [once upon a time at least] it has deep propaganda and nostalgia value.

Paint Balling is an obvious choice, hence being mandatory. It is a high impact form of mock warfare. The skills, gear and much of the equipment are easily transferable to The Temple's security needs. The Trikona is an organic structure for a Fire Team. And as a serious bonding ritual, at some point each Trikona should be hunted by the rest of the Wave simply to see how long they can survive.

Equestrian Training: Each Sister in the Wave will learn basic horseback riding skills. There is no need to go for competition level training, just the feeling and ability to be at home upon a horse. Again, this is about being an Amazon. Horse Culture is in the Amazon's Soul.

Outward Bound: During the Wave's second year it will engage the organization Outward Bound for a vigorous group 'nature experience'. This will be a bonding experience that the Wave itself does not need to control and a useful place to utilize much of the training and skills acquired in the previous x-number of months.

So, looking back upon these goals one can see that the Sisterhood Training as outlined here is very demanding, especially on a physical level. And that only a small group of Sisters would be able to complete such a Training. They would be fairly young, say 20 to 40 years old, in good psychical condition to begin with and be willing and able to commit their time to totally participate in and finish a full Wave Cycle.

This will obviously seem unfair and exclusionary to those who are not in that category. And it is. The entire Purpose of The Sisterhood Training is to create an elite of Sisters who are capable of driving The Temple's efforts forward to build a New Matriarchy. Be aware that in the long run some of them will die doing that work. This is not a child's game we are playing here.

That said, we also cannot simply write off entire groups of Sisters who do not have the ability to do the above type of Training because they are not 'the above type of Sister'. That is more than merely unfair; it is utterly foolish and totally contrary to our Purpose.

Therefore, besides the Maximum Impact Training [MI-1] outlined above, there will also be a Medium and Minimum Impact versions of the Sisterhood Training.

The Medium Impact Training [MI-2] will be for Sisters who could probably handle the physical and emotional demands, but whose lives and/or personal inclinations do not allow for the type of time and energy commitment required by the Maximum Impact Training. How each of these Waves operates will largely be determined by their members. The Central Training Organization will set some basic goals, but from there the specifics will be worked out 'in group', which I have found is often an 'interesting exercise' in and of itself.

The Minimum Impact Training [MI-3] is for those Sisters who simply cannot handle the physical demands of either of the first two versions. They may be too old. They may be disabled. Some could find it all too emotionally intense and need something gentler. It too will determine most of its goals and plans 'in group' along with guidelines from the Central Training Organization.

The Trikona will still be the required basic unit however and for the same reasons in each Wave.

It is hoped that after a Guest Event and a Workshop Series that one of each of version will manifest. That may not always be so. But whenever there would more than one version underway, the key is that they are all Sisters and intramural support is essential. It is likely that many issues would come up, such as the 'feeling less' and 'popular girl' paradigms that may have plagued some Sisters since their teens. That would be some tough work right there.

Some will look at all this and proclaim loudly, and likely hysterically, all this to be a 'terrorist training scheme' and/or an effort to 'build a revolutionary army', so let's address that noise right out of the gate.

The Temple utterly eschews Terrorism. Such is the desperate strategy of the weak and the dis- empowered. And terrorists almost always wind up as pawns in someone else's political game plan. Our goals and plans are our own.

The Temple also rejects Revolution. History shows that it tends to merely replace one set of grasping oppressive bastards with another set of grasping oppressive bastards, ofttimes a worse collection. And note they're usually all Males, too. We won't play that game either.

The essential purpose of The Sisterhood Training is two fold;

One, to train a cadre of Sisters to protect themselves and the rest of the Sisterhood. The goal of a New Matriarchy will terrify some into violent reaction and The Temple must be prepared to deal with that. As I have said many times, my brothers will not give up their power without a fight.

Two, any Sister who can commit to and complete such a rigorous regime as outline above will never again be intimidated by anything. She will still see how Patriarchy oppresses her, but she will never ever again be a 'victim' of anything. Victim Feminism is a handmaiden of Patriarchy and it will take a Sisterhood of Amazon Warrior Priestesses to truly extirpate such a deeply embedded and self defeating paradigm.

And all this is still totally hypothetical. The very first Wave will have no Guest Event or Workshop Series. They'll be a handful of Sisters, maybe only two or three Trikonai, who will work from the above outline to build what will become the Central Training Organization. One day their work will be legendary because of what was stated at the very top of this section; “The Sisterhood Training is the womb from which the New Matriarchy will be born.”

amazons, female supremacy, the sisterhood, the temple, the explanation

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