Wanna help me with a definition?

Jul 27, 2007 00:17

For the new Weiss Kreuz universe of the Realizations Arc, there's a ton of new stuff.

New villains, new twists, new locations, new relationships, and even a really clear cut layout of all four floors of the Koneko itself! Because of this new vision, there's one entirely new venue that is a key element mainly for Omi and Nagi which I can promise some of you are going to simply adore!

Trusty weisshund knows quite a bit about it, but he's been sworn to secrecy, yet there is one aspect of it that I hadn't touched on with him thus far since I really wanted to get input from everybody here first. The question is a simple one and is crucial to the story, so let me run this by you:

How do you define the term pedophile?

Is it merely someone who seeks a much younger sexual partner than themselves or is it something far more disturbing? Furthermore, and more pertinent to the tale being told in the Omi/Nagi story which is now entitled "Tempting Fate", at what age would a gay man be considered a likely pedophile if he wanted to be given access to a room full of lovely teenage to young twenty-something guys having all kinds of randy sex together?

Because of internal issues within the story, I need a specific age that would be an arbitrary cut-off. The lower end would be the legal age of consent, something that is surprisingly low in Japan, but I need an upper age.

As it stands now, I'm waffling between 25 and 35 as the cut-off, but you tell me.

A key example of a questionable age difference in yaoi pairings that is in the back of mind for this is the Treize/Wufei pairing from Gundam Wing. Treize was 25 while Wufei was 15 and the pairing is considered practically canon by many. There was a time when I had a knee-jerk "Khushrenada's a pedophile!" reaction to this, but I've mellowed out on it mostly because I'd rather see Wufei with Trowa anyway. Regardless, these are the things that go through my mind and now I need help sorting them out.

Keep in mind I'm not considering love versus lust here, it's strictly a definition to determine who is allowed access to a completely open yaoi playground and who isn't. Oh, and just to make it even more clear, there are powerful guardians involved, so having a specific age limit makes perfect sense to me.

Speaking of the arc, the writing has progressed and I'll say more about that sometime next week. For now, I'd just like to mention that "Tempting Fate" is complete in rough draft form and stands at well over 20,800+ words. Mmmm.... that level of bondage was a first for me. Quite a few steps up the ladder from "Twizzlers", that's for sure. {small smile}

Currently I'm working on the Brad/Schu piece which is currently entitled "Karmic Backlash". Consider it a twist on a well known inspirational classic that might be entitled "When Bad Things Happen to Bad People." {smirk} Yeah, karma's a bitch.

But have no fear. My muses and I still love the Schwarz guys and hope to make them sympathetic characters in spite of their status as cold blooded killers.

The rough draft is barely started at a mere 9,500+ words, but it's a helluva grand ride so far. Scripting Schuldig is a blast! I think this is also the first time I've scripted the man that everyone loves to hate, Takatori Reiji. Heheheh! Now there's a pedophile!

Things here at the Nuevo Casa de Llama are hectic, but that's fine. The big news is that my youngest Chibi, Lauren, is coming down to visit old Dad for the weekend. Yatta! She's 18 now and got her high school diploma in May of this year, quite the step up from when she was the inspiration for little Laurel all the way back in Secrets Arc, ne?

Unfortunately, she's bringing the newest boyfriend along for the ride and I'm not as enthusiastic about that as I probably ought to be. The two of us don't get enough time together as it is. I'd rather not share her with this guy who I've never met, but at least I can play the "scary father" for awhile, that's always fun. Making these guys sweat is all part of the grand scheme, isn't it?"

Well, that's enough for now. Less angst than in that Friend's Only post, but also less fun than I'd hoped. Spending so much time scrubbing toilets, vacuuming, and generally cleaning up my bachelor pad has left me a tired llama tonight.

Icon credit: Check out my cool new Weiss eye candy by rashiea! If Omi wasn't in there, it would almost be a perfect choice for the first three books of the new arc! Each book of the "Ken's Quandary" series might get renamed at some point, but the "eyes only" view fits it all too well.

tempting fate, realizations arc, weiss kreuz, karmic backlash, icons

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