"Welcome to cloud nine, ladies & gentlemen. Please enjoy your stay..."

Jun 16, 2004 03:41

Derek, you are a true friend. We could go one day or one year without talking, but it wouldnt matter at all because when we are around each other, it all seems to work itself out. Thanks for the talk tonight, I know I needed it. And, in honor of your vow never to re-write anything in a livejournal post, here goes...

People write about whats going on with their lives in a live journal, and 90% percent of the time it's boring as hell. Let's be honest. I could care less about what you did at work that day, or what you ate last night for dinner. But that's what these journals are all about; they are meant to be for yourself. Not anyone else. Sure, your friends can read about what you are thinking/feeling/doing, & thats great. But the bottom line is that these posts are designed to make one person feel better and get things off their chest that otherwise would remain hidden... ME.

I am a very happy young boy tonight. Hell, not just tonight, everyday recently. My summer has been both fufilling and rewarding. I have realized alot about myself and alot about where I want to be.

Random thought: The Pistons are really good. But shockingly enough, the Pistons weren't the most important thing going on in my mind today.

Back to the main point...

Ever since I came home from school, Melissa and I have been hanging out. That makes me very happy. It started as a rekindled friendship and has developed to something that could potentially be very special. Who am I kidding, it already is special if you ask me. I feel great when I'm with her. I feel great just knowing that she's there. We made it "official" a week ago today, the day she left for Florida with her family. So technically we haven't seen each other once since we started dating. Wierd? Sure is. Uncomfortable? Not one bit. We are in essence beginning another facet of our relationship via telephone. I say another facet because we have been close friends for so long, that this new found romantic involvement is just icing on the cake. When I talk to her, I smile from ear to ear. Period. I could be listening to her explain her life story or read off a menu at a restaurant, the fact that her voice is what I hear is what makes me happy. She did something the other night that to this very second stuns me...

...she called me very early in the morning/late at night to talk. Her 21st birthday celebration had just ended with her family & We were both winding down. Well, winding down turned into an hour plus of phone conversation; me in my driveway so i wouldnt wake my parents, her in her dad's truck so she wouldnt wake hers. At one point, I told her that she would get her birthday present when she got back from Florida, to which she responded with the most beautiful thing to hit my ears in who knows how long. She said..."All I want is a tape in the VCR, a drink in my hand, and you by my side." All I could think was "Congratulations, you just made a consumate talker absolutely speechless..." And that is what's so great about her... she takes my speech, my inhibitions, and my breath away.

*And by the way, Derek, I did it. I didn't re-write anything. The only thing I changed was spelling mistakes. Hey get off my ass, it's the perfectionist in me...
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