Stolen from Leslie...

Jul 27, 2004 14:59

-Slept in your bed: Melissa

-Saw you cry: Melissa

-Made you cry: Currie

-You shared a drink with: John Lund

-You went to the movies with: Eik, Kohler, & Bell

-You went to the mall with: Dad

-Yelled at you: Dad

-Sent you an e-mail: Lance Armstrong (supposedly)


-Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yes

-Gotten in a fight with your pet: No, don't have any pets

-Been to California: No

-Been to Hawaii: No

-Been to Mexico: No

-Been to florida: No (God I don't go anywhere)

-Been to Canada: Yes

-Danced naked: No (thank God)

-Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: "Really Crazy?" No

-Wish you were the opposite sex: No

-Had an imaginary friend: No

-Do you have a crush on someone: Well... no, cause it's not a crush if you're with them right?

-What book are you reading now: "Knight: My Story" by Bob Knight

-Worst feeling in the world: losing a friend/family member

-Future son's name: Have to ask my wife, but I've got some ideas... and I've got a middle name (Emil)

-Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope

-What's under your bed: A table top hockey game & a putting green

-Favorite sport to watch: Live- Football, TV- Basketball

-Siblings: Anneliese, 24

-Location: The R-O-E

-College plans: Engulfed in the junior year of my dream

-Piercings/tattoos: None

-Boyfriend/girlfriend: Melissa ;)


-Do you do drugs: No

-Do you drink: Yes

-Who is your best friend: Eik

-What are you most scared of: not sure, I'm not really scared of anything

-What clothes do you sleep in: whatever T-Shirt I have on & boxers or shorts

-Where do you want to get married: In a big Lutheran church, hopefully Trinity

-Who do you really hate: Wolverines

-Been in Love: "I'm getting there..."

-Do you drive: Sure Do

-Do you have a job: "A Job" - NO. A few jobs? Yes

-Do you like being around people: More than anything

-Are you for world peace: Sure, but it's not possible


-Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Yes

-Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yes

-Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Not just one, I've got a couple

-Want someone you don't have right now: No

-Are you lonely right now: Not at all

-Song thats stuck in your head a lot: Big Poppa - Notorious B.I.G. & Rod Stewart (thanks to work)

-Do you want to get married: Yes

-Do you want kids: Sure do


-Room in house: My room (the basement)

-Type(s) of music: Hip-hop

-Band(s): AC/DC

-Color: Green

-Perfume or cologne: My Cologne? Very Sexy for him... for ladies? I have no idea

-Month: December


-Cried: No

-Bought something: Yes

-Gotten sick: No

-Sang: Yes

-Wanted to tell someone you loved them: Yes, & I did

-Met someone new: No

-Missed someone: Yeah, quite a few Sparties actually
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