I have a new lightweight (climate zone appropriate for most conditions) coat. It was supposed to come last week, and technically it DID come last week, but the post office didn't leave the expected notice of arrival in our box, so we didn't know it was there. Then, before my book-signing and talk to the NaNoWriMo group at Dragon's Lair in Austin, I stopped into Precision Camera, which is in the same shopping center. The purchase didn't happen until Saturday (I was back in the city Saturday for the last big rehearsal before the Mozart Requiem; we stopped back by Precision Camera after the rehearsal) but it's now happened. As usual, I hang onto good tech until the new tech has something I really want (video capacity, in this case, plus better low-light shooting without flash.) I had taken Old Camera into the church to take pictures of stained glass windows (not rehearsal, because I was busy singing...) and then Old Camera went in for a much-needed cleaning and checking over, while I walked out with New Camera (using Old Camera's main walking-around lens, a Tamron 28-300mm zoom; this will be the third camera I've used it on. Brought New Camera home and in spite of being wiped out from the week thus far, went out and shot a few different things.
Virginia Creeper's fall color...on old cedar-post "snake" fence
Corona (Queen's Crown) vine growing on yard fence. Bees love it.
Mountain Sage blooms in fall--overlapping Turks' Cap but lasting longer.
Today--Fox Squirrel burying a nut about 4 feet outside window, on cloudy morning under trees.
Happy with the new camera, yes. All the images cropped and resized from original.