So, I have spent the first 10 minutes of the latest SPN ep buried underneath the covers in horror/embarrassment squick/rage. I don't actually know if it's worth pressing on, since I have enough crap to do today. What says the FL
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This has been in the window display of the candy store around the corner from me (Buffistae will remember it as the Awesome Place What Gives You Free Fudge and Salt-Water Taffy) for the past few months, and I finally got around to taking a picture and posting it. Now I kind of feel the need to buy the damn thing.
From spn_appreciate: Post your top ten favourite things about Supernatural and/or Supernatural fandom and invite your friends list to comment with theirs. You have approximately 24 hours to complete the task.
Top 10 Favorite Things About Supernatural1. The Winchesters are extremely pretty men, and hit my competence kink so hard I think the button fell off
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A few people have wondered why the SPN-fen are against the dedicated SPN thread, feeling victimized, defensive, whathaveyou. (Which, I think the "victimization" comment is off the mark, but we are trying to defend a position
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Describe yourself as a Mary Sue (an idealized to the point of *barf* version of you) for the world of Supernatural in approximately 100 words. Then tag your friends!Dean knew he'd like this place as soon as they walked in. Dive-y atmosphere, Metallica playing on the juke, and a pool table
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