From Wired:
Why French DSL Service Is Like a Rude French Waiter PARIS -- France has more broadband DSL customers than most countries, including the United States. But if you happen to be one of the millions of customers having major problems with your connection, then life can be a living hell. High-tech service in France is like service in a Parisian cafe -- intermittent and snooty.
Not a day goes by when 60 Millions de Consommateurs, the French equivalent of Consumer Reports, isn't inundated with complaints from DSL subscribers about a faulty connections, abusive pricing practices or incompetent technical support. Nearly half of all complaints are DSL-related, the publication says.
"Imagine if one customer out of four complained that a bakery's bread was not fresh," the publication wrote.
The rest of the article is interesting, and the level of service described would have most Americans howling in rage. I just adore the fact that bread is held to the highest expectations in a major publication. Brilliant.
And now I want a warm roll and dark chocolate. Le yum.