Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them onyour LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.
time to switch bottle
music - from a Corb Lund lyric - I originally made it for smonsterbite, but she kindly shared it. I like whiskey, I often think it's time to have some.
This are Z's cats - Hank & Daisy. I don't use this much any more.
Sudeikin Bat Theatre icon
theatre - This is a poster that George Sudeikin did in 1922 for the Bat Theatre in Paris. It's got two of my favorite things in it, even though I don't use it much. If I ever do get back into it, I'll use it.
jdm beam
fannish - JDM. Beaming. How can you argue with the beam? (by tinamishi)
jared jensen eh
fannish - Jared & Jensen in the middle of shooting "Supernatural". I like the Canadian aspect, especially since I'm dating a Canadian. Plus, the boys look oh so very thrilled. (by lady_octavia)
Tlingit raven
Another permutation of Raven Stealing The Sun. I'll use this one when talking about myths or the tattoo on my back.
dean faith sam choices
fannish - Faith, Dean, and Sam, ganked when pandarus was doing her most excellent crossover. Used more when I was making romantic choices. I could use it for other choices, but the romantic element is a little strong. (by ellenemi)
sf rising
city - The logo that SF used during the 100 year anniversary of 1906 earthquake and fire. I heavily identified with the phoenix last year, and this seemed appropriate.
deadly woobie
fannish - Wolverine, being the deadliest of the woobies. I don't woobify much, otherwise I'd probably use this more.
calico jack
Arrrrr. I really only use this once a year, on Talk Like A Pirate Day. But pirates are always fun.
alaskan poppies
alaska - Poppies in a field in Denali National Park. This is a happy/peaceful/content icon for me, as opposed to the searching for peace icons that I have.