Snerk. That's right, I said "snerk".

Aug 15, 2005 14:14

My Yahoo! Horoscope for the day:

You're ready for an adventure. The sky's the limit. Go out and explore.

Oh, you can be a homebody any day. Right now is the perfect time to get out and be social. Or, if you really want to stay home, throw a party. The important thing is that you're with as many people as possible.

I can think of no faster way to see and be able to talk to a bunch of people than the auditions that are planned tonight - short of a gala party, and I tend to hole up in a corner with one or two people at those.

The funniest thing is, auditions are supremely social and off-putting at the same time. You see a lot of people is a short amount of time, but there's so much nervous energy bouncing around that it's sort of distancing (from the directorial standpoint, at least). Plus, there's the awkwardness when you see your friends, because you want to hug them, but you also don't want to freak out the other person who is reading with your friend. Unless they're your friend too, in which cases there's hugs all around! Or not. Depending. (Callbacks tend to be much easier for this sort of thing.)

Anyway. Snerk, denoting wry amusement at the convergence of unrelated things.


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