Things I really want to do:

Aug 15, 2005 12:27

Take Z to Vegas and run amok with him.

Go to London with Z and soak up all the theater history.

Go to Greece with Z and soak up all the theater/civilization/everything history.

Go to Japan with Z.

Go to Madagascar with Z.

Just generally travel with my husband.

Learn how to do a kip-up. I understand the physics, I just can't get my body to do it.

Be better about initiating and maintaining friendships.

Get my eyes LASIK'd. I'm tired of the contacts.

Listen to more music. My music knowledge base is narrowing, and that's no good.

Tread that fine line between awareness and worry-wart-dom

Go to grad school in London? Maybe? Could be very good. Could kill me.

Be much better about sticking to a budget, so when big things come up, there are spaces for them.

What about you? What do you really want to do?


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