
Apr 06, 2005 16:16

Zach opens Take Me Out tonight, and Sally and I are going to see it. I'm looking forward to it, more or less. I know it's a great play, and I love watching Z act. I'm just not sure how cool I am with seeing my friends in their alltogether, but I'll cope.

Other than that, there's not much going on. Continued job crappiness, but I've been sending out things. Richard III is on a week hiatus whilst Z opens the above-mentioned play. Needing to find a new play for December, as Harvey is still unavailable. I wish they'd hurry up and do the national tour already. Considering going 501(c)3, which would be a big step for FFPT. Still running. A lot. Still a little tongue-tied. Still solipsistic as hell.


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