Thoughts on a Saturday night.

Apr 02, 2005 22:31

I've been feeling pretty damn tongue-tied lately. Partially because nothing is really stirring me to write anything. I don't - I've felt kind of bleah lately. Like I've lost whatever little charm and/or talent I had in the first place. I'm hoping a lot of it is due to the work situation and recovery, but still. Annoying. Even more annoying? I'm repeating myself.

I'm listening to The Spy Who Shagged Me soundtrack tonight, and I am forcibly reminded of 1) how freaky the song "Time Of The Season" is and 2) how much I love Scott Weiland's voice. I prefer it when he's straight-out singing instead of wailing/howling, but I'll listen no matter what.

Other things I love: The Matrix. It's my new favorite long-run movie, because I can get so wrapped up in watching the pretty and retro-fitting Reloaded and Revolutions into one sense-making movie. Also, watching Carrie-Anne Moss kick ass in tight shiny clothes is quite the motivation.

We just had a smoking ban on bars & restaurant instituted here in the Cities. You would think the sky is falling down for some smokers. I don't know, NYC and California seem to have weathered their bans just fine, with no jack-booted squads showing up. We've got bigger things to focus on and actual rights being lost. A public health regulation seems small potatoes to that.

I've not been spending much time out lately, and some of that time feels, well, wasted. I'm not able to connect with good friends for many reasons, and it's starting to bother me. At the same time, I've realized that an early social pattern of mine was to hang out with people that I didn't have much in common with beyond a superficial level and (more importantly) had a mutual disdain for. I musn't allow myself to fall into that pattern again. Better to be a recluse, which is what I seem to have turned into anyway.

On running - I've realized that I'm capable of far greater speeds that I thought previously. I've had to consciously restrain myself from running too many miles. because I am concentrating on getting my speed up. My next goal is an 8:30 mile, which I should get in a couple weeks. After that, a 26:25 5K (8:30 over 3.1 miles), which should be attained by the end of the month. I also need to remember that strength training and yoga make me a much better runner. Especially yoga.

CT scan was clear, bloodwork was clear, so I think the headaches are a part of my recovery. We'll see what the doc says.

random, friends, navel-gazing

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