I Have a Prophetic Spanish Phrase-of-the-Day Calendar

Mar 03, 2010 09:20

I was alarmed this morning when, upon visiting a message board for an upcoming event which I’m attending, I discovered with a thread with my real name in the title. The content of the thread said only that the organizers were trying to contact me.

Of course, I shot them an message immediately. As part of the emails, I asked them to remove my name from the message board as soon as possible. A flurry of quick but emails were exchanged, and we determined that they hadn’t received a vital email I’d sent them a couple weeks ago, and lost track of my email address. We got it all sorted out, but then the organizer went on to imply that I’d been “nasty” in my first message to them, and that he didn’t understand why I didn’t want my name on the message board.

My name. My real, full name. Which even the people I’m friendly with online with don’t know, because I DON’T PUT MY REAL NAME ON THE INTERNET. Anywhere. Ever. I told him that I was sorry if he felt I was nasty, but that I was sure he’d understand the concept of privacy, given the nature of the event. He recanted and agreed.

But that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post was that, shortly after sending my last email, feeling that I’d made my point and we were back on polite terms, I glanced at my Spanish phrase-of-the-day calendar.

Yesterday’s phrase: Tengo que mirar mi correo electrónico.

Translation:       I have to check my email.

Today’s phrase is: No tengo tu direccíon.

Translation?  I don’t have your address.
That calendar knows things, man.  Things it shouldn't know.
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