Trying Not to Count The Days

Mar 01, 2010 10:35

Thirty days of my ninety day rotation at work have gone by, and I have not changed my mind about wanting to go back to my old desk.  I can safely say I want it more than ever.

The work has been challenging at times, but there isn't enough of it.  The division of labor in this unit is nonsensical and actually makes it easier for things to get screwed up and everyone agrees with me on that.  I can't say I enjoy my new coworkers' company.  I enjoy having my supervisor hanging out at my desk even less.  Strangely, I am unable to get any writing done in my downtime, something I often did at the old desk.  (Can't explain that one.)  The worst, of course, is that I miss my girls.  We still exchange emails, but it's not the same.

Yes, this is me, griping about work.  I never used to do that.  I don't like it.

On a completely unrelated note, the tennis was fun this weekend, wasn't it?  I like seeing David with trophies.  And Nole, though I was more happy about Mischa getting to another final.  How is it possible that Ivo is so adorable?  Gulbis, sure, but Ivo?  There must be some bending of the laws of physics going on there.

work, tennis

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