Please Excuse The Real-Worldiness Of Me

Sep 18, 2008 08:18

I work in a very small room.  There are three of us, our desks arranged in three corners and our filing cabinets in the other.  I can reach my supervisor's desk by simply rolling back a foot and turning to my right.  The building is old, so the air conditioning sucks, the windows don't open, and our office opens into an even smaller area that is also closed up.  Basically, the air doesn't move.

And my supervisor smells.  Bad.  All the time.

She just moved down here this summer, and at first I chalked it up to the heat.  I'm sure there were days I didn't smell good, either.  Lately, though, it's been cool, or I've noticed her smell as soon as I walk in the office in the morning.  I've also realized that she's just not very clean.  There is often food on her clothing and dandruff in her hair.  Yesterday she handed me a file and just laughed when I discovered that it was sticky from the cinnamon roll she was eating.  Some people might think I should quietly and as gently as possible let her know that she smells bad, but I just can't do it.  She's my supervisor, and best friends with the supervisor above her, who already doesn't care much for me.

She's a very nice woman, and I like my job, but I've come to hope they move me, just so I can get away from the smell.  There is a promotional test coming up that I need to do well on in order to stay where I am (because I'm working out of class), and I don't care if I fail at this point.  I know it sounds terrible, but there it is.


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