So, the bad: I just found out that my older sister woke up the day before yesterday, packed her car, and drove away, leaving her husband of over ten years and two kids behind. She drove all the way from Michigan to Texas, where a man she knew in high school was waiting. When questioned about this by my younger sister, she said, “I was going to leave him anyway. This just seemed like the best reason.”
I don’t even know what to do with this. We have a terrible track record for marriage in our family. My mother is on her fifth marriage. My younger sister never married the man she lived with for several years and had a child with, but they, too, have split. This is my older sister’s second marriage. I just can’t imagine that things were so bad that she’d just drive away from her home and family.
Sigh. In three weeks, I’m making a long-delayed visit home for my mother’s 60th birthday. I’m dreading it more than ever.
Then there’s the good:
Wonder Northwest. Basically, it’s a small-scale Comicon here in Portland, this weekend. This is its first year, and I forgot all about it until yesterday, but I’m totally going. Some of the panels include “Gays in Comics”, “All You Never Wanted to Know About the Star Wars Holiday Special” and “Epidemiologic Methods for Investigating the Zombie Apocalypse”. There will be vendors and games and costumes (if I’d remembered in time to finish it, I would be totally rocking my Jedi costume) and, most importantly, my fellow geeks. Should be great fun, right?