Please Do Excuse Me While I B*tch

Sep 16, 2010 08:57

I love my coworkers.  I do.

But I am sick of having to cover for them when they're late.  This happens a lot.  One of them is significantly late at least once a week, and at least a few minutes late most days.  The other usually makes it in under the wire, but once a week she, too rolls in a few minutes late.  Some mornings, they are both late, which means I'm running the office by myself first thing in the morning, at my busiest time.

I understand that traffic happens, but when traffic slows you down that regularly, you should be planning ahead for it.  I ride the bus or train to work every day, and sometimes they run late, but I'm still almost always here early, because I plan for it.  It's not that hard.  5 extra minutes.

Okay.  I'm done now.


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