Better On Black

Aug 24, 2007 22:17

I’ve promised myself that this is the academic year that I’m present and engaged with my teaching. To be fair, I’m generally more or less engaged. However, dealing with the mama-ing aspects of life with two little kiddos, the relationship stuff, and the general tiredness that accompanies both and all, have meant that I’m often just scraping through on the work front. I do manage to get done everything that I need to do, but often just barely, and I keep waiting for it all to catch up with me. My evals at the end of the semester have usually been overwhelmingly positive, but still, I know that I can do much better. This is the semester when that changes, when I am the teaching goddess, the diva of academia, the all-around wonder woman who does every bit of reading that she assigns to her students and returns all papers on time replete with penetrating, thought-provoking comments. (Not to mention actually doing Job #2, for which I am paid, but which often gets conveniently misplaced in the fray.)

So, what do I spend hours doing today? During the time when I should be finalizing my syllabi, figuring out the new course website system, and revising one and only academic paper so that someday I might actually qualify for a tenure-track position? Or, when I should be nurturing my somewhat combative pacifist and cooperative anarchist poetry-writing revolutionary social justice warrior persona?  Or when I should be exercising so that my too-tight-across-the-ass jeans fit me again?  What do I do with this precious time?

In case you're wondering, that body part does belong to me.  In spite of the fact that I used to flash it around indiscriminately (I am a mother y'know), I'm feeling oddly sheepish about sticking it here.  Nonetheless, you'll be thrilled to know that it looks better on black.

teaching, photography, sexuality, body

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