Feb 29, 2008 11:15
As many of you might remember, I spent a great deal of time earlier this year trying to rid both myself and my children of lice (brought home from unwelcome preschool hair-to-hair contact). After several rounds I managed to completely take care of the kiddos, without another bout, but was unsure how I did on myself. Everything I'd read said it was nearly impossible to adequately do self-treatment since you can't see the little buggers on the back of your own head. Nonetheless, I persevered and thought I'd gotten them all.
This week I started itching again, like crazy, and began to get paranoid that the creatures had returned. So, this morning I took myself to a lice salon! Yes, now the over-worked, harried, urban mama can take her lice-infested kidlings to a special salon, where for $100 an hour they will pick the bugs and nits from your precious child's hair (and in order to be fully treated you are supposed to have three visits). Now I had no intention (or ability) to pay that kind of money, but for $20 I did get a strapping young man to check me out, hair by hair, and declare me clean and clear. He told me (with a good deal of reverence I might add) how impressed he was that I'd done such a good job on myself. Perhaps I've found my calling. Self lice treatment. Woo hoo.
I'm playing hooky from work since everything has lightened up a bit this week. Soon I will head to my third yoga class in three days, and then I may try to catch a matinee of The Savages. This all feels positively decadent and I'm plagued with a certain level of guilt, since while the week has lightened up there are still ten billion and one things that I should be doing for all two+ jobs. But, it's Friday and I am critter-free, so I suppose some celebration is necessary.
creatures in my hair