Oct 26, 2007 15:34
I'm now basically ready for dreaded-work-event tomorrow morning, but my mind and body are fried from this freakin' crazed week that I've had, that is still happening, that won't be over until this time tomorrow. After teaching last night and this morning, I proceeded to spend three fucking hours creating the just-so nametags for dreaded-work-event (hereafter known as DWE). Now if DWE were really mine to organize I'd just have everyone come in and write their name on one of those very basic sticky things, slap it on their chest, and voila, we can meet and greet. But it's not all up to me, and co-directora is a micro-manager control-freak extraordinaire, who insists on computer printed and color-coded name badges that all get inserted into little plastic neck thingies and that match the specially organized table groupings 'cause you know we can't trust a bunch of adult professionals to seat their own fucking ass at a table. So I'm stuck in my office alone for hours today and try to get the printer to print, and the right-colored dots on the correct name badges, only to realize that I also have to create friggin' table tents with the names listed, because the colors AREN'T ENOUGH! People need to be able to look at their color and match it up with their dot while also reading their name on the table tent. So it takes hours (HOURS!) to get all the correct spellings, colors, groupings, labels, etc. etc. etc. together, which leads to hours of my mind being able to wander into depressive feeling-sorry-for-myself places that it just doesn't need to be in at the moment.
If life were better I'd go home and release my pent-up frustrations with someone who knows what to do with them. But, life is what is, so I'll just go home and try to be present for my young'uns. Fuck the DWE. Maybe I'll eat some red meat for dinner. When all else fails, be carnivorous.