Jan 22, 2008 19:41
If I dont feel like going out and spending way too much money on alcohol, train rides, post drinking fast food and cab rides home for one night that i probably wont remember the next day anyway. I'm just a little over these things.
I'm limiting my drinking to special occasions or when i feel like drinking, i'm not going to drink just because everyone else is.. or because drinking is the only thing to do on a Saturday night.
There are plenty of more interesting things to do then drink.. if youre life has come to a point where you cant start a story without "this one night i was off my head and.." then what the hell is the point on living?
Cant people have good experiences sober anymore? Some of the best times in my life have been times when i've been sober.
I feel like i'm around the wrong group of people when it comes to this issue.. i'd love to find some friends that are willing to go out and have a good time without it all revolving around how much you drink.
Anyway.. I think i'm growing up slightly? Maybe?
Ps. I miss you fugs. I miss you more then you know.