
May 20, 2010 13:23

  • This thing about the Royal Bank firebombing in Ottawa is really repugnant. The part that bugs me most about a lot of these fringe anarchist/socialist groups is that they claim to speak for people they don't represent. They said the Royal Bank was targeted because it was a sponsor of the 2010 Olympics which were held on "stolen" land. But the four First Nations on whose stolen land the games were held were all on board with the games. Same thing goes for their protests against the G8/G20 stuff coming up in Toronto and Huntsville: like it or not nutjobs, those leaders are the ones who were elected to represent the countries convening there. Don't like it? Start a political party.

  • Also in that link, I love how CTV has a section for Canadian news and then apparently the only subsections within that are British Columbia, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. We have one province and six major cities in the dominion - that's it.

  • I'm becoming really protective of Hiedi, I find. Today she sent me an email saying that she was working in court with the judge who's known to be the bluntest and meanest of them all, and at one point when he asked her to play something back on the digital she got so nervous she broke out in a rash. :(

  • Superior post-drinking food: pizza or poutine? (And answers of "poutine pizza" will not be accepted.)

  • I have the worst dandruff ever lately. Ugh. Sorry.

  • ETA: Oh, and also, during my few days off, I downloaded SO MUCH GREAT MUSIC, and possibly the most interesting find was a song from 1974 by Arthur Conley called "Somebody Else's Wife". It honestly sounds like Arthur Conley singing over top of early Elvis Costello, and the lyrics are exactly what that title would lead one to expect: "It's so nice when it's somebody else's wife", because you don't have to put up with nagging and bratty kids - it's just sex.

hiedi, ctv, canadian politics, dandruff, ottawa

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