
Aug 31, 2009 14:14

Today is apparently MuchMusic's 25th birthday. John Doyle notes that they are doing very little to mark the occasion, probably on account of they don't "want to look old, to mark milestones and remind today's viewers that the channel existed long before they were born."

This makes me a little sad, but I'm certainly not surprised. And he's right with the rest of that piece: there was a time when MuchMusic was really interesting, really cool and not a pale imitation of MTV. (Speaking of, I don't understand why, these days, MTV still sells a lot of programming to Much when it has its own little branded outpost up here. Times two. But whatever I guess.)

My favourite memories of Much in its heyday include Master T, Steve Anthony (who I still hear doing voiceovers for half the radio stations in the country) and Michael Williams (seen in the wild photo accompanying Doyle's column). I hated Ziggy back in the day, but now I remember her kinda fondly, in that it's really hard to imagine someone like that having a job on a similar station in the US, say. I remember watching Electric Circus on Fridays when I was home. (In my room. With the door closed and maybe locked. Ahem.) I remember watching the Coca-Cola Countdown every Friday after school - for my last couple of years in elementary school, it was a highlight of my week. Later on, I loved City Limits and Simon Evans when he hosted daily editions of The Wedge. I hated Sook-Yin at first, because Weezer acted like assholes to Simon when she took over the show during an interview with 'em. I remember Videoflow, the generic middle-of-the-day and middle-of-the-night program that used to run for hours at a time, with VJs just throwing to random videos. Sadly, this is a practice that seems to have disappeared entirely from the station's schedule. I remember The New Music with Avi and that cute blonde chick... Larissa. And the occasional 2 Much 4 Much specials that'd run with VJs and industry types talking about whether Much ought to air certain videos, like, say, "Prison Sex" by Tool, or the latest Madonna clip. MuchEast! MuchWest! It all started to go downhill right around the time Ed the Sock arrived on the scene, if you ask me.

Grumble. Harrumph. Humbug.

I used to love Muchmusic. And it's not like I'm watching it a lot today, but I do feel as though it's dumbed itself down a whole lot. Do they ever talk about politics today, in the way that Doyle's column describes? Do they ever discuss anything? It could be just that my memories of half-my-lifetime ago are deceiving me, but I feel like they almost used to have a mission other than making money.

Assuming that no one watching this watches the channel regularly today, what are your favourite or least favourite memories of it?


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