
Aug 31, 2009 10:28

So, the rest of the weekend was good. Lisa drove us out for A&W shortly after I made my post on Saturday morning. We spent the rest of the day in, watching movies and It's Always Sunny. And having pretty great sex.

Yesterday, we went to Larry Evans' BBQ. It was really nice, and had an impressive spread of its own: burgers, crab, salmon with whiskey and maple syrup, and six kinds of dessert. And, the booze was on the house! We limited ourselves to a couple of beers each. Larry's son Neil is a nurse (I've talked to him on the phone a few times for work) and he looks *so* unlike any other nurse I've ever seen. He's a *dude*, with guns for arms, big tribal-type tats and he probably wears Ed Hardy stuff some of the time. But he was really nice, as were most of the people there. We came home, Hiedi bought her ticket to Fredericton in October ($1494 all in - fuckin' ouch!) and we watched some L&O. I came up to get ice cubes around 11 or so and looked out the window and, for the first time since I got here, saw something kinda like this. They were weaker than that (11pm in August and of course they figure to be), but still!!! Pretty exciting, and just the kind of perk-up about living in this place that Hiedi and I both need from time to time.

This morning, I got the best call ever from work: "Josh, we want to switch your three 6am shifts this week to 8am, and also, we have shifts for you going until September 17th."

I'll take it! Also: I'm trying to decide whether I should use some of that money to finally buy a netbook (in the hopes that the shifts keep coming) or if I should sit on it for whenever we get our ducks in a row to move. Last night during the Hiedi/Emily texting, Hiedi mentioned that there was a possibility we wouldn't be moving until January (I think this is slim - I want it to be slim - but it does exist), and the three of us all agreed that that'd be a very sad situation. And to be honest, we started considering the possibility that maybe I wouldn't go home for the holidays. Maybe - maybe - we'll take the money I would put into a ticket home and put it towards making Whitehorse happen instead. Dunno. But Hiedi and I agreed that spending Christmas poor but together in coldest, darkest Yukon would still, on some level, be really, really awesome.

(It's been forever since Hiedi and I fought. Mostly, we'll have some kinda tiff once a week or so, but I honestly can't remember the last time we fought. Things have been so, so great lately. Frankly, a big part of it has probably been the lack of stress coming from not having Lisa or the kids around too much.)

Later today, I'm running out to buy our return ticket from Peace River this coming weekend. I think we're just gonna bus to Grande Prairie next Monday, and hook up with Naomi who'll be there on a shopping trip. This is awesome, it'll cut our travel time and travel expenses by a good chunk each.

Until then, I'm just hangin' out, applying to jobs in YT and listening to Northern Soul. It's a good day.

northern health, work, emily, hiedi, whitehorse, travel, fort st. john, larry evans, lisa, social life

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