Oh my god my stomach is making ridiculous noises.

Dec 04, 2008 09:17

Today there's a big ol' union meeting at noon. I am undecided on how I should vote.

We're going to vote on the university's latest offer which includes retroactive pay for the past year that we've been without a contract and also includes modest scale/progression increases for the next three years. Also, they are offering us a one-time "signing bonus" of $300 payable before Christmas if the deal is accepted today.

For someone hopefully moving far, far away next month, that is kind of tempting.


Lately, my brain is so excited and happy about basically everything.

I wake up in the morning, and I'll be excited and happy because I get to have a shower, and showers feel good. Then, I'll walk to work and be excited and happy because I like walking and I have an iPod and the falsetto and horns during the chorus of "Lightnin' Strikes" are so good and Chris Clark makes me wanna DANCE on the sidewalk.

And then I get to work, and work is even a little exciting and happy because I can read blogs about Parliament while I'm here. And post to my LJ. :p And drink free coffee.


And of course get some actual work done too.

And then I go home and that's good because it's the end of the day and maybe I'm going to go out somewhere with someone and have fun, but even if not IT'S OK because I can turn my music up loud and watch the Senators beat Atlanta 5-1 and watch our country come apart at the seams on CPAC and have dinner (AND DINNER IS GOOD) and maybe a drink and maybe, just maybe Hiedi will call.

So, yeah. Everything is so exciting and happy lately.


And yeah, I'm trying to get everything set so that I can move next month and having said that does anyone wanna get pizza at Amelio's with me tomorrow night?

I plan on taking full advantage of the whole if-I-move-you'll-regret-not-hanging-out thing.


ETA: Ezra Levant is wrong.

"This deal is obviously good for the Bloc - most obviously in that it gets to choose Canada’s prime minister. If you were a Quebec separatist, would you rather have Stephane Dion - a weak, unpopular, lame-duck prime minister, despised by his own party, and unable to get any serious electoral purchase outside of Montreal proper? Or Stephen Harper, a tough cookie who is the only serious competitor for Francophone votes in Quebec?"

Ezra, maybe you haven't been paying attention for the past week, but I'll make an analogy for you: you know how when there's a Republican in the White House, it's perversely *good* for al-Qaeda? That's what it's like for the Bloc and PQ. When Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, is railing on about the 'separatist threat' and how Dion and Layton have no character because they're making deals with the separatists WHO ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED - that, is actually what's best for the Bloc and best for the PQ.

Parizeau will claim victory for his people no matter how this all plays out and Stephen Harper is no longer a serious competitor for francophone votes here.

And Kelly Fucking McParland is also wrong in that the words Harper used in English versus French are not trivialities. People here notice. If you say 'separatist' in English and 'souverainiste' in French, you're a coward. You're not facing up.

Ok, I had only read the first paragraph when I wrote that. The more I read of his column now, the more he's a TWAT, TWAT, TWAT.

Ok, last ETA on this post: I've decided that I hope she prorogues. Not because I want to see the Tories get their way, but because I think that's maybe the least damaging outcome for the country. Send everyone home or a month or so, and maybe we can all just settle the fuck down. And if we can't, then this cliff will still be here in January. We can all still jump off it then.

labour, work, begging, bragging, kelly mcparland, hiedi, money, fort st. john, mcgill, canadian politics, music, life is good

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