What's to be done with this Kelly McParland?

Dec 03, 2008 13:54

It's like I said yesterday: Kelly McPharland = twat.

How else to explain the gratuitous shots at the coalition in his first few points? Such as, "Do both Mr. Dion and Mr. Layton have the authority to grant demands made by the separatists, as co-leaders of the coalition?"

Sir, Bloc MPs are not simply "separatists" as you cast them, repeatedly. They are also, for the most part, social democrats (as I've noted previously) and upstanding members of their respective communities. They have been democratically elected by the people of 49 ridings in Quebec, and for you and people like you (like the Prime Minister, for one!) to be so dismissive of them and their interests betrays a profound lack of sensitivity and smarts with respect to national unity.

And this:
"Shouldn't any demand that is good for the Bloc, and thus for the separatist cause, by definition be seen as undesirable for federalism, and thus for Canada?"

Are you really suggesting that the interests of the people of 49 Quebec ridings are automatically and inherently at odds with the interests of the rest of the country, merely because they are being voiced by separatists?

Really? Are you sure you wanna say that?

Especially lately, it's not like I've been supportive of anything Bloc-related, but you, Kelly McPharland are on another planet. And every time you make a new blog post or pen another column, you (and your merry band of Post commenters) are hurting our country.



I have a lot of other things I'd like to write about, but I need to gather my thoughts. Tonight will be post-heavy in these parts I think.

stephen harper, kelly mcparland, canadian politics, national post

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