(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 13:43

Ohmigosh, my life is getting so busy! But I'm getting organized, and I think this will be very good for me. It's been a long time since I felt like I was living with real purpose - maybe not since I was last in school, and that ended in '03. I'm using the amazing Google Calendar - how did it take me so long to become acquainted? Seriously!

So, yeah, living with purpose. Living for the courses I'm going to take soon, and for the money I'm going to be making, and for the purpose of finding a roommate. According to my budget, I'm basically a slave to the man until I find a roommate, and then I'll be able to afford more free time. So, until then, I'm going to more or less schedule my Concordia working hours around hockey games. If Ottawa's playing, odds are you'll find me in Archives. Friday and Saturday night games excepted, of course.

As an added bonus to all this busy-ness, I'm going to be saving money. Since, y'know, I won't be out spending it.

I have a lot more to say (all of a sudden, in complete contradiction with what I wrote last night), but some of that's going to have to wait for a time when I'm not on my lunch break.

Until then, the other day on Bill O'Reilly's radio show (the first ten minutes of which is available as a podcast, and which I listen to everyday to infuriate myself), he said this, about the most recent debate between Republican Presidential candidates (and delivered without so much as a hint of joke or irony):

"Do I really care about this? Not really. If anything happens I'll bring it to you tomorrow on radio and TV, but these debates are, y'know... these guys are rehearsed and you don't get anything out of them.

The only way you're gonna get any information about these people is if they sit down with me and look me in the eye and I'll get you the information.

That's it."

And it's funny, this quote from him came the same day as an appearance by Stephen Colbert (out of character) on Fresh Air, which I also listen to as a podcast. During his appearance, he summed up Bill O'Reilly as someone who decides that what's interesting to him is what's news. If he's not interested in it - if it doesn't have some impact on him personally - it's not "news". And you can see that right there, in that quote.

It's as if he's suggesting that if the candidates have anything to say on a topic that he's not asking them about, it has no value at all and is not even noteworthy. Christ.


In a few days, my paid account runs out. I don't think I'm going to renew it. Boo. But, maybe it's just as well, since it seems as though my LJ time is on the decline a bit. I'm too loyal to disappear completely, but I may have to look at, um, reducing the number of friends I have on here.

I know. I'm sad about it too.


PS - Don't forget to vote if you're in Ontario!

work, busy-ness, bill o'reilly, mcgill, stephen colbert, livejournal, time management, concordia

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