(no subject)

Sep 23, 2005 12:14

Thanks to savestheworld for letting me know about this band. It's especially good because they have so much free music on their Web site, even if it's not terribly easy to find.


So, I'm sick. And this is throwing into doubt my LJ field trip to La Ronde tomorrow with archdiva and company. Goddammit. I'm not at work today. I wasn't yesterday, either. I'm just letting it run its course, basically. With some tea, baths and chicken soup thrown in, too.

It's your basic cold/flu kind of thing. A bit of a headache, some sneezing and nose running, but the sore throat and gravelly voice are the main things.

I had such high hopes for this weekend, too. Not that all my plans are going down the drain necessarily, they just won't be as much fun if I do take them on.


I added Concordia to my profile in the new "schools" section, but unfortunately, JSW isn't an option yet. And since it closed this summer, I doubt it will ever be. Which is a shame, because I'd love to find the journals of people from high school.

I proposed getting JSW up there, but maybe they'll ignore me.


I'm going to wander off and continue to try to avoid bleeding from every hole sit on the couch and not move and not disturb myself. :/ Or maybe I'll stay here and play a computer game. We'll see.

livejournal, music, sick

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