(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 15:28

Fucking Payroll.

Through the fault of no one in this office, my pay is short several hundred dollars this pay period. This is a lot of money for me. I'll certainly get it back in two weeks, but I hope until then that rottenfruit doesn't mind letting me coast a little bit...

I called HR, and explained my situation. The guy said, "Okay, let me transfer your call to someone who'll be able to help you." And then the hold music started up. And it wasn't a channel - no - it was one song, on a loop. And it went for half-an-hour before I hung up. And then I called back. And the same guy said, "Human Resources, hold please" before I could get a word in and then the hold music started up. Nathalie told me to hang up. She's going over his head. Thankfully.

work, money

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