(no subject)

Apr 09, 2003 14:08

Can I just say how much I hate that TV networks just seem to randomly pick the days on which they'll have new episodes of programs? I'm a big nerd in that I hate to miss the West Wing on Wednesday nights. For some reason, though, between September and April, NBC sometimes has new episodes, and sometimes doesn't. Isn't there a television season? Like baseball season, say? It's not like the Expos ever decide, eh, maybe we won't play tonight after all. (Well, they did that yesterday in Chicago, actually, but that's a whole other story.) Anyway, it pisses me off.

As in my journal, I'm behind at work right now, too, a little. I realized today that I forgot to finish up the thesaurus for the database that I've been working on for about 9 months now, on and off. This thesaurus stuff is stupid, though, I think. As long as all the words in the database match up, I don't see why we need a list of all of them, broken down, hierarchically.

As some of you might have read in rottenfruit's journal, the two of us are likely going to Virginia in May, with my folks. My aunt has a timeshare down there, so a few branches of the family are taking a vacation together. Should be nice: tennis, swimming, visiting with people that I hardly ever see now. Maybe we'll go into Washington for a day, too. I don't know much about Washington, save for the fact that it's the capital of the Great Republic to the South, and that it's got all the usual capital city sort of stuff.

Tell me, American friends o' mine, is D.C. a nice city, apart from all of that? Are there interesting districts to see, or is it pretty bland?

Sorry for the lack of comments and posts lately. Between a birthday gift that's been taking much of my time, and a partner who's hogging the computer to finish an essay by Friday, I've been unable to post. Saturday, things should be back to normal.

elizabeth, virginia, travel, television

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