
Dec 20, 2012 14:14

So, there's a protest movement among Canadian First Nations people that's gaining steam, and it's called Idle No More. It's getting a lot of talk around the office, and I think it has a lot of potential to be a thorn in the side of the Harper government this spring - which is fantastic. Here's an article from the National Post that explains it a bit.

Anyway, what I really would like people to read is this takedown of reactions from Canadians from Maclean's. It's pretty great. Here's a little taste:

What they say: All people are equal, and should be treated the same.

What they must mean: I’m willing to trade situations with any Inuit or First Nations person at any time.

What they say: If First Nations and Inuit people choose to live way out there in the bush, it’s their problem.

What they must mean: I wish a lot more First Nations people lived in my town.

canadian politics, first nations initiatives

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