You know what grinds my gears?

May 25, 2009 20:25

So one thing that's been getting to me a lot lately is Selective Righteousness. Or Self-Serving Righteousness. People that get all up in arms about an issue when it's related to them, but either don't care or act counterproductive when they are not potential victims.

Por ejemplo: Black men.(lol)

One second "that shit is racist! This is so fucked up!" The next second "What do you mean that's sexist? But what about reverse sexism!!!"

Men who seem so conscious and insightful when it comes to racism and who get that the notion of "reverse racism" is bullshit seem to not be able to extend this ideology to sexism and are quick to look for that "exception to the rule" where they will be made a victim of the tyranny of women.
[That run-on is pretty fantastic.]

Ejemplo numero do': White women

The shit above in reverse. Lather, rinse, repeat.

I could go on with more ejemplos, but you get the point.

It helps me to see that you're really not getting social justice as a whole. You're merely looking through the lens to see how you can paint a picture that protects your interests.

I know. I know. Privilege 101. It ain't new. But it's working my nerves a lot lately for some reason. Do better, muthafuckas.

ranty rant rant, privilege

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