Ain't that somethin?

Jan 08, 2009 08:54

The Good
Irregardless of what you think, "conversate" is a word.

Can we rest this "debate" now?

A highlight:
"People feel that there is a certain kind of language that's appropriate and a certain type that isn't appropriate. And these judgments are based on many things--some may make sense, some might not. People take these things very seriously. People are told things about the language in school that are demonstrably untrue, and they think anyone who doesn't follow along with those beliefs is stupid or wrong."

Still kinda mad that we need "confirmation" about such things. The purpose of language is communication. If you have effectively communicated your idea, then your word choice was successful, whether it was used "properly" or not. I do understand the need for standardization in some forms (though I still find the decision/process for what becomes standard racist as all hell). But if only for the purpose of verbal communication, I would think people could understand that what they think is "proper" doesn't matter (aside from the racist aspects of it).

The Bad
LJBook is not letting me backup my journal! [Ok, I just needed to put something in the bad section. But it really isn't letting me.]

The Ugly
Riots done wrong

Saddest part for me about riots has always been the misplacement of the energy.

A "highlight":
"A woman walked out of Creative African Braids holding a baby in her arms.

"This is our business," she shouted. "This is our shop. This is what you call a protest?"

Nia Sykes, 24, of San Francisco, a protester who was with the group, said, "I feel like the night is going great. I feel like Oakland should make some noise. This is how we need to fight back...Sykes had little sympathy for the owner of Creative African Braids. "She should be glad she just lost her business and not her life," Sykes said."

What in the holy fuck is wrong with her?

linguistics, aave, schmemocracy

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