Ebony on Films

Dec 08, 2008 09:13

So I've seen a few films lately. I've been meaning to do some reviews.

Black Snake Moan
Woooooooooooow ~Flav.
Hands down the most offensive movie I've seen in YEARS. That shit offended me in every possible way I can be offended. It offended me as a fuckin air breather. And Sam Jackson needs to be tarred and feathered. He really was the personification of an Old Negro Spiritual. No movie he makes nor any humanitarian effort he does will ever make up for that shit. He could reform the education system, personally finance a recovery program for the American economic crisis and cure AIDS and I'd still be like "but he starred in Black Snake Moan, son!" It was that bad.

The Human Stain

Chameleon Street
Wack and wannabe artsy. The best part of that movie really is that one scene that BlackStar quoted in Brown Skin Lady. "Even my conditioning has been conditioned."

Funny Games
Thinks it's ground breaking when really it was unbelievable and ridiculous. I'm supposed to believe two teenaged boys can hold a family of three hostage with little more than mind control? Okay, chief. But really, no.

Don't Play Us Cheap
I feel conflicted over this movie. The part of me that can't stand Melvin VanPeebles' old sexist ass hates it (and the random sex allusion scene with the following "explanation" scene don't help). The part that loves the celebration of Black culture eats this movie up and drinks a cup of red kool-aid behind it.

The Last King of Scotland
No, really, what the fuck? The movie has about a 120 minute runtime. We don't see Forrest until the 15th or so minute. And we only see him for a total of maybe 45 minutes from the whole movie. I love that they have to tell the story of an African president through the lens of a white man that never even existed.Thank you, eurocentrism!

The last good movies I saw were The Great Debaters (which I didn't expect to like as much as I did) and Michael Clayton. Michael Clayton is a great non-linear storyline movie. It's kind of what She Hate Me could have been had it focused on one dominant plot instead of two.


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