Drum Struck

Mar 01, 2006 12:46

So last night I went to see DrumStruck with Q. She got comp tickets through some program affiliated with her job, which also enabled us to get 2-for-1 drinks before the performance (tipsyness is what's up!!!). I feel VERY dual about that experience.

It was enjoyable and the basis of it is pretty cool. There's a drum on every seat so the audience participates in the performance to a degree. You get the wonderful Call and Response aspect of our culture. But despite the all-black (with one exception) cast (complete with website listing exactly where they are all from and what languages they speak)
is the creator. So it should be clear why despite enjoying the performance (for the most part) I got that old "Africa for sale... some more" feeling. Wanna learn about Africa? For the low, low price of 36 dollars per ticket, you too can be an African drummer and learn all you'll ever need to know about the culture! Aaaannyway, the show goes along smoothly, then we meet Bob.

The performers point to random people in the audience and ask them to do an "impromptu" drum beat. Two comply, then a performer finds one guy sitting in the "office position" and brings him down to the stage. This is Bob ( I WISH I could find a pic of this dude, but I think the theatre purposely hides him since his role in the performance is sort of a surprise). Initially Bob can barely get the rhythm. The next thing you know he's going head-to-head with the main performers and is holding his own. THEN he goes offstage, comes back on wearing Kente cloth and bringing his own set of drums looking brand spanking new and shiny and he's fully integrated into the performance. Music is for the people!!! ...When it's black music. And stealable marketable. But I'm just being too sensitive.

From the site I found a comment that read "When I left the theatre, not only did I feel like an expert at drums..." *tires screech to a halt* Say what now? Whatever. Lemme be more "positive." Start a homework help post or something....

Speaking of positivity, I did have an interesting experience watching the women performers. I don't know how to form the words at the moment, but it is making me work on not being so self-critical about my body. I'll come back to that point later.


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