Um, why is Ashanti in The Muppets movie? Better yet, why is she acting at all? Haven't we been tortured enough with her videos and songs? Can't she destroy one media form at a time? Shit
I think there is a direct, inverse correlation (yes! I did retain some of my stats knowledge!) between how dramatic a person's exit is from an LJ community and how fast they bring their asses right on back.
I feel a LOT of anger right now. I need to calm it or at least channel it and use it productively.
I'm kinda excited about my QQ's birthday and us going to Atlantic City 'cause I've never been and never gambled (aside from the megamillions, but where's the rush in that?). This should be fun. A bunch of loud-mouthed women running wild through AC.
Kinda excited about going to Darcel's book signing. It is cool as shit to read a book and be able to confer with the author about it.
Man, those 3 day weekends be hittin the spot! I'm excited about that too!
Is it wrong that I giggle to myself when I find out that someone is black on blackfolk after thinking they were white for the longest?
Can people not take themselves so seriously about stupid shit? Can we try to focus on important shit and not arbitrary insignificant bullshit? Can we make an attempt?
And finally, New Rule: The people in America who are most in favor of the Iraq war must now go there and fight it. The Army missed its recruiting goal by 42% last month. More people joined the Michael Jackson Fan Club. "We've done picked all the low-lying Lynndie England fruit." And now we need warm bodies. We need warm bodies like Paula Abdul needs...warm bodies!
Now, last week, a Baptist minister in North Carolina told nine members of his congregation that unless they renounced their 2004 vote for John Kerry, they had to leave his church. Well, if we're that certain these days that George Bush is always that right about everything, then going to Iraq to fulfill the glorious leader's vision would seem the least one could do. And, hey, if it makes it any easier for you, just think of it as a reality show: "Fear Factor: Shitting Your Pants Edition." "Survivor: Sunni Triangle." Or maybe it's a video game, "Grand Theft Allah."
Now, I know you're thinking, but, Bill, I already do my part with the "Support Our Troops" magnet I have on my Chevy Tahoe. How much more can one man give? Well, here's an intriguing economic indicator. It's been over a year since they graduated, but neither of the Bush twins has been able to find work. Why don't they sign up? Do they hate America or just freedom in general?