Sex, Lies and Videotape

Feb 25, 2002 20:58

I have a few things running through my head, so I'm curious as to how long this is gonna end up being.

Whoever wrote "Oops" owes Martin some money. I just realized the concept is just like what he said in You So Crazy. Masturbating by accident.

I feel better. At first I thought my change in moods was some female hormonal thing, then I realized it was because I felt unproductive 'cause I skipped work (I blame V). So when I got to school I felt productive again. Everything fell back into place.

But I do have one small rant. Blockbuster. I'm always off by how much I think I owe them. I went between classes (and right before that last entry). So I walk in and dude behind the counter is just standing there fiddling with shit. I pull out the tapes and he still doesn't acknowledge me. Why did I have to ask this dick to do his job? I'm all "could you scan these?" Buttmunch! So he scans them then has the audacity to say "you had these too long." I coulda came over the counter and slapped his peasy ass head!!! I know how long I had them, asshole. Just tell me how much I owe 'fore I beat you upside your head with a dvd.

So I owed less than 20 bucks. I had those bad boys for almost 2 months. lol Anyway I got 3 more. :o/ 'Requiem For a Dream.' I swear I damn near orgasmed when I saw it. I've been looking for it for like the past 6 months. 'Run, Lola, Run.' Heard a lot about that. Their Foreign section leaves a lot to be desired, so I'm kinda surprised I got that. I would've preferred 'Amores Perros', but I didn't see that. I DID see 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' but they didn't have any copies. People had rented all of the copies, so I figure whenever I return these, they should have some of 'Who's Afraid...?' I LOVE that movie. And last I got 'She's Gotta Have It.' I may very well be the last black person to see this movie. It's one of the few Spike movies I've never seen. They're all due Saturday. Hmmmmm... lol Oh and *ahem* Mr. Rolando, why haven't you rented 'Memento' yet? Don't make me hurt you!!

Let's see what else..... Oh yeah my psych class. I found out something about female circumcision. I didn't know that in some practices of female circumcision they sewed up the labia as well as cutting off the clitoris. My prof said in college she roomed with a woman who was circumcised and her labia were sewed up. She said they were to stay that way 'til she married when her husband was to rip them open during their first time having intercourse. My heart almost jumped through my shirt. First they have to endure the pain of having their clitoris sliced off, then having their labia sewn up with no anesthesia. Then later in life they have to have them ripped apart? Good lord. I feel for those women. This is obviously to keep control of the women to make sure they don't cheat. Goodness... I don't want to get into it too deep. It'll only upset me more.

She also brought up another interesting theory. I think it's one of Freud's. She said there's a theory that women who have vaginal orgasms (as opposed to just clitoral orgasms which any woman ---any woman WITH her clitoris--- can have) may have a better developed psyche....... All I have to say is, doubtful.

My dream last night was so sexually charged. It almost scared me. I actually omitted a part of it from my dream journal because it was so out of character for me and I didn't even want anyone to know that my mind could allow me to do something like that even just in a dream.

Ok so on a lighter note, Kuahmel asked me this really cute question yesterday. He asked what was the moment I felt sexiest. I have two that really stick out in my mind, but I gave him one.

This one. I had a date with Trea to go to Stand-Up NY and I was ready, but he was still getting dressed. (He was prissy like that) So I went to his house to wait while he got dressed and as I walked in the door, he shook his head and mumbled under his breathe "damn." I barely heard it, but I know I heard it. I coulda floated through the ceiling .lol He had many ways of making me feel attractive... But anyway yeah that was nice. Oh wait, I had on a pair of black boot cut jeans, sandals and a white sweater. Simple outfit, but he made me feel like I was wearing an evening gown.

Then there's when I went to this club with Q and Dache.. ( [pronounced dah-shay] Q's cousin) So I was looking plain, black sweater vest, white jeans, sandals. And you know how scandalous chicks can get at the club, so I figured I'd just dance with the girls and by myself that night. But I was like the center of attention that night. I had so much fun.

I guess I chalk up my best feelings of attractiveness to when I'm not dressed particularly nice because I figure it means there's something extra about me as a person. *shrugs* Anyhoo, I wanna know when y'all felt your most sexy and/or attractive.

psych, dreams, trea

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