This is, unfortunately, what happens when I steal my best friend's tablet for a couple hours, in order to unwind. There's no colouring, just outlines. I'll shade things if I feel like it later =3
Title: Guerrilla Romance: Pairings that Marvel Hates Fandom: Marvel Characters: Jean/Scott, Terry/Wade, Domino/Nate Rating: PG Summary: Pairings have unfulfilled potential because people at Marvel hate them. Alas.
Title: You Are The Moon Fandom: Marvel Characters: Domino/Cable Rating: NC-17 Summary: PWP. Must I say more?
AN: Written solely because betterthanlegos really is better than legos and bought Tabby on capeandcowl icons which I am so effing gleeful about. God, that RP owns my soul or something 8D;