Title: Five Times Ratchet Blew Up (and One He Didn't)
Fandom: Transformers (G1?)
Characters: Ratchet, Mirage, Skywarp
Rating: PG
Summary: 5 times that Ratchet blew up, both literally and figuratively.
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4 3) Suffering the ConDescending.
Laser-fire shrieked in the background as Ratchet ran over to the fallen Mirage. Starscream's cluster bombs had been powerful. The blue and white saboteur had a hole blown in the middle of his chest plate bigger than Ratchet's fist. The medic yanked the remains of Mirage's chest-plate off and dug his hands into sparking internal wiring without hesitation. Cursing, Ratchet pulled his fine welder out from subspace.
Slag, the secondary fuel-line's been sliced apart. Gotta seal that before Mirage bleeds dry...
Mirage's optics flickered when he felt someone's hands gently prying shards of metal and glass from his chest cavity.
"Agh! Wha-!"
Ratchet cursed angrily under his breath. Mirage's cooling fans were whirring swiftly with distress and he mech himself was trying to get up. Softly, Ratchet pushed Mirage back down, shushing him gently.
"Shh, it's just me. Ratchet. Frag, I thought you were in stasis-lock."
Mirage whimpered, gurgling as leaking fluids spilled into his vocalizer. Ratchet ran a gentle hand over the mech's brow to soothe him.
"Yeah, I know it hurts, 'Raji. Don't worry, everything's under control. I'm just gonna offline ya for a little, okay? When you wake up, you're gonna be all patched up. This'll just be a memory..."
Slowly, Ratchet's other hand reached over and hit the internal switches that would send Mirage into stasis. The mech's optics flared briefly, then they darkened as he fell into peaceful oblivion with a sigh. As soon as he heard Mirage fall out of consciousness, Ratchet got back to work, sealing leaking coolant lines and pulling wires out to solder them back together.
It was the whistling that set Ratchet's warning sensor's to beeping. Optics widening, the mech turned to see Skywarp barreling down through the clouds with his missiles locked and loaded. There was no way that Ratchet would be able to move Mirage out of the way in time, not when the mech was still freely sparking all over the place.
So Ratchet did what any other medic would do.
He flung his body over Mirage's own and grit his teeth, bracing himself for the impact.
This is gonna hurt.
The piping whistle grew swiftly louder, culminating in bright light and sound.
Then suddenly, there was nothing.
Used as Inspiration)