Title: Booster and Ted's Adventures in Subreality
Fandom: DC (Blue and Gold)
Characters: Boodter Gold, Blue Beetle
Rating: PG (Some swearing?)
Summary: Read the title.
Author's Note: It just popped out of my head. Note: the idea of Subreality is covered
here. I didn't come up with the idea. I'm just running with it.
Booster and Ted stared at each other.
Ted smiled and wiggled his fingers in a tentative wave.
"Uh. Hey. Miss m-"
He was cut off by Booster's tackle hug and the two of them went rolling across the wafting smoke that served as the ground.
After a couple "I missed you"'s, a few tears and a whole lot of wrestling each other into submission (You died on me, you bastard!), the two men lay side by side, panting and staring off into the foggy grey not!sky.
"So..." Booster rolled onto his side to face Ted. "What is this place?"
Ted ran a hand through his mussed hair, somehow making himself even more rumpled looking.
"It's a little complicated. I guess you could call it purgatory, except not? No one's really sure, because sometimes it's great, and other times it's riddled with spelling errors."
In response to Booster's confused grunt, Ted shrugged.
"Some of the other guys call it Subreality. We're on the outskirts right now, but when we go further in, I'll introduce you to Harry, he'll set you strai-"
Ted halted immediately when a clump of foggy mist turned pink, broke off from the main body and waddled over to him, crooning.
Booster sat up and quirked his eyebrow.
"Ted, why is a piece of pink cotton candy humping your leg?"
Ted muttered something and turned his head away, flushing pink.
Booster leaned in.
"Sorry, what?"
"It's my cute." said Ted with a pained sigh.
"Your ... cute?"
A beat.
Ted rolled his eyes and whacked Booster upside the head with a put-upon air.
"Oh shut up. Wait until you have to deal with them..."