Christmas Season

Dec 07, 2009 19:29

Christmas Season
Author: xlorains_stormx
Pairing: Jensen/Misha
Word Count: 416
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do NOT own either of these people sadly, and this also never happened. Which is also a sad thing.
Summary: He looked around, scanning the crowd of people for the familiar face and those beautiful blue eyes.

He faked a smile at his mom, hoping against all hope that she didn’t notice. It worked. After that he faked all night, to his mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and the rest. Thankfully no one noticed.

He just couldn’t stop thinking about Misha, they hadn’t seen each other in about a week and it was starting to take a toll on him. He had a hard time at night sleeping without Misha’s comforting warmth next to him, letting him know someone was there.

He couldn’t sit here, in his family’s house, any longer. Misha was supposed to come home today. Originally, he told Misha he couldn’t pick him up from the airport because of the family dinner, but he had decided missing part of it wasn't going to kill his family. He told his mom that he was going home because he didn’t feel well and was let go without much fuss.

He got in his car and drove towards the airport, hoping he got there on time. He wanted to see the look on Misha’s face when he realized Jensen was there to get him and take him home.

When he got there he parked the car and walked into the airport, looking at the board with the flights on it, and then looked at the clock. He got there with about ten minutes until Misha’s plane landed, so he turned around towards the seats, found an empty one, sat down, and got ready for the longest ten minutes of his life.

Ten minutes later…

Looking up at the clock he realized Misha should be there soon and jumped out of his seat. He looked around, scanning the crowd of people for the familiar face and those beautiful blue eyes. When he finally did his breath caught in his throat. Those beautiful eyes sparked in recognition and Misha sped up, now actually wanting to be there.

When they finally reached each other they threw their arms around each other, holding on tight and close, trying to breathe in the others scent. Wanting to know they were actually there.

When they finally pulled apart, a couple of minutes later, they stared into each others eyes, having a silent conversation, and then walked to the car hand in hand. They put Misha’s luggage in the trunk, got in the car, and drove home where they would spend the weekend in seclusion, cut off from the rest of the world. Catching up on all of their lost time.

fandom: supernatural, type: fic

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