Never Too Late

Dec 21, 2009 17:52

Never Too Late
Author: xlorains_stormx
Rating: PG
Warning: Character death
Pairing: Johnny Christ/Zacky Vengence
Summary: He couldn't help but wonder why they took his love away.
Disclaimer: Sadly, no I do not own them.

He could feel them, staring at him, looking at him with pity that he didn’t want or need. All he wanted was to be alone, and all he needed was a good night's rest, just enough to let him process what he was told and to accept that it was real. That's all. But, of course, no one would leave him alone, they all had to follow him around like he was going to kill himself. Yeah, he was a little depressed, anyone would be after their love died, but he knew their kids needed him now more than ever, they just had one parent taken away, he wasn’t going to take another away. They followed him like lost puppies, until finally, after a month of finding excuses to sleep at his house, they figured out he was there to stay.

About a week later…

He got up at eight, threw on a pair of old jeans and one of his lover's pure black t-shirts that was too big for him but still had his lover's smell on it. He woke up little Emma and Jacob, got them dressed and into their car seats, and drove the to the cemetery. He pulled in and drove around, looking for his lover’s name, when he finally found it he got himself and the kids out of the car a began walking towards the stone. Kneeling on the grass that was just barely coming through, he pulled the kids close and told them to play with their toys by the car until he was done.

After he was sure they were safe and where he could see them he turned back to the stone and bowed his head. He attempted to get himself together, trying not to lose it in front of the kids, but that didn’t work out too well.

With tears streaming down his face, and him attempting to hold back sobs he lifted his head again. Wondering why this happened to him and his family. Why they had to take his love away from him. After a while he decided he’d had enough today and called the kids over to say good bye to their papa. As he waked away he looked back one more time:

Zachary Baker
December 11, 1981 - April 2, 2012
“A good father, loving husband, and caring friend.”

type: fic, fandom: avenged sevenfold

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