WHO: Gate Walkers and Civillians alike
WHEN: May 1st, 1952
FILTER: Come one, come all!
WHAT: May day Parade with an added twist! Maes is holding a covert operations with it to map out this part of the government sector no Gate Walker has been allowed to see. There will be a thread for the secret
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It really pissed him off to be dismissed so casually. For all that he really should have been used to the treatment, he just... Wasn't. Unbidden came the flash of memory, Itachi's fingers poking his forehead before his brother fell...
Sasuke jerked a little under Maes's touch, as if shocked. His eyes fell away from Itachi, hesitating near the edge of the crowd, and he frowned, trying to dispel the unsettling memory. It brought up questions he didn't want to ask. And even if he did want to ask them, it wasn't exactly the time or place.
Pretending to ignore Itachi--rather unsuccessfully, since his eyes kept straying to his brother--Sasuke attempted to concentrate on the details of the parade plan Maes was pointing out, lips pressed so tightly together they were a thin white line.
"So then since he said he didn't like sweet things, I persuaded to have made this really decadent chocolate cake, because who can't resist chocolate, right? No one can! Once we had that beauty baked with chocolate fudge icing and chocolate drops on top, we almost had our trap set. The plan was to set this cake out in a reeeeeeally quiet place and string up one of those camera things. Like-" He sniggered a moment, trying to regain his composure, "Like he pulls the string, and then 'snap' goes the picture!"
He was already making his way out of the center of it all, to slink back into the shadows until something else came up that may need his attention. Knowing the other man, it probably wouldn't be long before he stumbled -purposefully or not, he can never tell- into another situation where something might take a chunk out of his hide.
Sufficiently distracted from his hate by the complete one-eighty turn in the discussion, Sasuke graced the older man with a highly arch look.
"What?" Oh yes, intelligent response. But really, what?
By the time Sasuke thought to look for Itachi again, his brother was already fading back into the crowds. In a way, that was creepier then having him within sight. Sasuke knew he was going to be jumpy and looking for a glimpse of Itachi for the rest of the parade.
"Sasuke, do you know how to draw? We should have really pretty sketches of this place for the paper, you know?"
"Good enough for your pretty pictures." The ninja replied honestly. If Maes wanted the Birth of Venus he'd be disappointed, but Sasuke was practiced enough at mapping and layout sketches to be exceedingly accurate.
He contemplated using the sharingan, it would improve his drawing and detail, but it would also drain him considerably. And red eyes weren't exactly inconspicuous. For the time being Sasuke just flipped the page and looked around, ready to start. Anyone watching from a distance would just see him making notes continuously as Maes chattered his ear off, after all.
After ward, he needed to pay a visit at the jail and bail out the girl who was supposed to be drawing out the map. He honestly hoped she was doing okay.
After the parade he could make a neater set of copies. He nearly walked into one float while he was distracted and following Maes, and after that kept his attention divided between what he was doing and where he was going, because following Maes too closely was apparently not the brightest idea.
So far, so good! The parade was moving along just as he planned.
He rubbed his temples and kept drawing. He didn't bother to ask about how they'd exchange information, Maes lived next door, after all, and talking in the open wasn't a bright idea.
"How's your hand?" he asked instead, absently, as he sketched out a twist of the street.
Once he was done with some other errands, he would check out Sasuke some more.
The time to escape was now. Or he'd get roped into helping with clean up.
"Well, I better go finish up the paperwork." Sasuke commented, almost sadistically. "I'll just let you take care of the rest." He started to turn to leave, with every intention of leaving Maes to deal with the aftermath of the parade while he found a nice quite nook to re-copy the map in.
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