[Chii seems to be everywhere today. After learning a) enough phrases and words to understand the difference in where one hears something, and b) that she definitely did not hear anything in her bedroom the other day, the search was officially conducted.]
Al Jannah?
[Having heard this portion in each line of the latest radio message, she's used that as reference to the source. Seems logical enough, right? Hopefully more logical than going around in only a dress (no shoes, no gloves, and none of Cielo's sweaters,) and poking holes in the snow piles to repeat the question.]
[Even going to the length of peeking in to various places that have people going in and out of them.] Al Jannah, are you here?
[Once again around the junkyard, though Chii does seem to frequent there even to play.]
[Along with other places. In all of the districts, where she isn't told to turn around and go elsewhere. Of course, that doesn't stop her from trying in the first place. Even hanging upside-down and asking animals!]
[[Expect Chii to be anywhere, everywhere, and not just asking for Al Jannah. She'll even be repeating a part of the latest
radio transmission, in thinking that it would catch 'Al Jannah's attention. ]]