Nov 10, 2008 15:23
Today started off really great, didnt go to classes at all. Went to Target, Dick's Sporting Goods and Borders. Got a sweet new Visor CD holder and some new headphones. Score! Then even better, got some Panda Express to eat at school to make everyone totally jealous. That was the bad ass part of the day but now i'm just in a bad mood.
I made this like vow to hit on sunny if i havent already by the time gas hit $2.20. Well last friday it hit 2.19 and i didnt have a chance to do it, so i figured i better to it today or it pretty much wont happen. Well i didnt even see her until everyone already decided we were going to leave at like 1 or something. I dont know. She walked by and was like "hey! i havent seen you in a while." so i'm like "i know, where ya been?" trying to make a convo but she seemed all in a rush. Failed on that one(again). I wanted to go back into the lunch room and talk to her but everyone already decided that we were gonna go to Mullets. It totally dropped my mood ten fold. It's like i'm not going to stay there by myself just in hopes of going to talk to her again, i'd rather be with my firends.
If i can just get an open opportunity to say something along the lines of "hey i really think you're hot and i want your number" without anything/anyone else around to make me all shy and shit. I know it's not going to happen if she's with her group of asian firends and i know i probably wouldnt do it by my friends for some reason. Joe told me one day he got laughed at by a big group of asian kids for no reason, he said it made him feel like a piece of shit lol(at least i think it was joe who told me).
Today is my grandpa's birthday party, he is 90 years old. That's like beyond insane. I cant even like imagine me hitting 90, hell i cant see me hitting 40. I hope i get out of this like bummer mood by then, even if i'm not, my grandpa is a funny guy and family makes me feel better.
I have this fucking podcast to do, i'm making it seem like sucha huge fucking project too. I need ot just talk for 3 minutes, then throw some pictures in there. I made a 5 minute speech in 20 mins, how is this shit so hard.
Im gonna go take a nap to get rid of this shitty mood.